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October 2023

Fused Testing - The Best of All Worlds

What company hasn’t been torn between different test strategies and methodologies? With fused testing strategies, you can reap the benefits of methods historically depicted as incompatible. Not just automated vs. manual strategies but dedicated test teams vs. on-demand testers. Beyond that, fused testing integrates your DevOps systems tighter with your QA systems, allowing you to drive new testing based on DevOps feedback.

Top 5 Resources to Understand the Role of AI/ML in Embedded Analytics

Every day, more companies unlock the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. When AI and machine learning are utilized in embedded analytics, the results are impressive. Much of this can be seen in modern solutions that offer advanced predictive analytics. Together, predictive analytics and AI can help application teams by streamlining processes, generating personalized recommendations, and creating a more intuitive and efficient user experience.

The Economic Impact of APIs: API Monetization, AI, Web3, and Beyond

Whether ordering groceries online, checking your bank balance, or tracking a delivery, APIs are behind the scenes making it all possible. They're the backbone of the digital experiences that drive our interconnected global economy. You may know that. But beyond the convenient (and sometimes delightful) experiences APIs enable, how are APIs actually affecting the global economy and shaping the future course of business and technology? We wanted to know, so we found out.

Is Shadow IT a nuisance, or does Shadow IT lead the way?

When people feel dissatisfied with the tools they are provided, it’s not uncommon for them to seek their own. This phenomena is called shadow IT and it can disrupt the trust between data leaders and business stakeholders. So what should companies do? Benn Stancil, Field CTO of Thoughtspot, believes tooling is a preference, but there needs to be some standardization so that trust does not deteriorate within the team.

The best partners will be the most ambitious ones

Why do some companies see their data team as ticket takers? How do other companies treat data teams like extensions of their decision making process to answer some of the hardest questions imaginable? Benn Stancil, Field CTO of Thoughtspot, believes ambition plays the biggest role. It’s not technical. It’s not skill. It’s the desire to work together and solve big audacious problems.

The Best Resources to Learn Android Development

Android has surged past iOS to dominate the world’s smartphone market, but its ecosystem is growing at an exponential rate. There were more than 24,000 different Android devices at the last count, which places major strains on devs. To learn Android development, you have to learn how to optimize for hundreds of different devices. So you need a clear learning plan that can be applied to the entire Android ecosystem.

The best realtime collaboration SDKs, platforms, and frameworks

Miro and Figma have triggered the imagination of many developers looking to build similar collaborative features into their applications. It’s a fast developing landscape with new entrants and innovations emerging all the time across product categories - CMS to slide decks, spreadsheets to project management.

Building a global deployment platform is hard, here is why

If you ever tried to go global, you have probably faced a reality check. A whole new set of issues starts to appear when you start to operate a workload over multiple locations across the globe: So it looks like a great idea in theory, but in practice, all of this complexity multiplies the number of failure scenarios to consider!

What's New in Node.js 21

Node.js v21, the latest Node update, is now available as a stable release. It supersedes v20 in the'Current' release line, which has been promoted to the long-term support (LTS) channel as of 24 October. This new version stabilizes the fetch and WebStreams API, adds a built-in WebSocket client, improves support for ES modules, and brings some notable performance improvements (as well as a customary update of Node.js dependencies such as V8).