
Migrate Heroku Postgres Databases Without Problems

Heroku Postgres databases are powerful tools for managing and analyzing data. You can run large-scale data processes for your business off of Heroku Postgres. While management is made much simpler with Heroku, the insight of a skilled developer and data analyst when manipulating databases makes a big difference in the outcomes. This is especially true when migrating a database. Here are five things you need to know about migrating Heroku Postgres databases.

What is a MySQL REST API?

Databases are an important part of application development. They let you store data in a way that is easy to manage and manipulate. MySQL has been the standard for this for decades. The one drawback is that databases only store data. If you want to do something with that data, a MySQL REST API makes it possible. Here is what you need to know to use MySQL REST APIs in your projects.

How to Setup a Database Connection in Amazon RDS with Xplenty

In this video, we will set up a database connection in Amazon RDS with Xplenty. AWS RDS is a feature-rich and mature offering that makes it easy for even less tech-savvy users to operate their own relational databases. Xplenty can help you gain the most benefit from your Amazon RDS deployment. Xplenty offers comprehensive data analysis and management and can integrate your Amazon RDS database with dozens of other services and products. In this way, you can use the technology stack that gives your business the greatest advantage.

How to Transfer Data from Postgres to Salesforce

While Salesforce is an excellent tool for storing and managing information about your contacts, leads, accounts, and other metadata pieces, the power of the system lies in its ability to integrate with other applications. One particularly powerful integration comes from integrating data in a Postgres database into Salesforce. Read on to learn more about Heroku Postgres, Salesforce, and how to transfer data most efficiently.

Database-driven realtime architectures: building a serverless and editable chat app - Part 2

Hello again! Welcome to Part 2 of this article series where we go through database-driven architectures by understanding the nitty gritties of a chat app where you can edit messages. Here's the Part 1 of this article series, if you missed it: Database-driven realtime architectures: building a serverless and editable chat app - Part 1 Check out the editable chat app or explore the project on GitHub.

An Ultimate Guide about SQL Injection for WordPress Users

The Structured Query Language (SQL) is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that is pronounced like the word "sequel." It was the first simple way to store and retrieve many sorts of data on computer systems, and it was invented in 1974. Since then, the language has grown in popularity, and it is still used in many content management systems (CMS) today, such as WordPress.