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Creating Real-Time Anomaly Detection Pipelines with AWS and Talend Data Streams

Thanks for continuing to read all of our streaming data use cases during my exploration of Talend Data Streams. For the last article of this series, I wanted to walk you through a complete IoT integration scenario using a low consumption device and leveraging only cloud services. In my previous posts, I’ve used a Raspberry Pi and some sensors as my main devices. This single board computer is pretty powerful and you can install a light version of Linux as well.

Qlik Enhances Enterprise Data Journey With New Big Data Offerings

New York – Strata Data Conference – Qlik® continues to execute on its mission to supply enterprise customers with end-to-end data management and analytics solutions with two new big data offerings - the latest version of the Podium Data® product and the initial release of Qlik’s Associative Big Data Index available this month. Enterprises need to unlock data’s full value to help users accelerate action and outcomes.

Talend Speeds Apache Spark and Machine Learning Implementations without Coding

Redwood City, CA - September 11, 2018 - Talend (NASDAQ: TLND), a global leader in cloud integration solutions, today announced it will debut at the Strata Data Conference in New York City a new sandbox that brings sophisticated machine learning technologies to the hands of developers and data engineers so they can easily create smarter data pipelines.

Key Considerations for Converting Legacy ETL to Modern ETL

Recently, there has been a surge in our customers who want to move away from legacy data integration platforms to adopting Talend as their one-stop shop for all their integration needs. Some of the organizations have thousands of legacy ETL jobs to convert to Talend before they are fully operational. The big question that lurks in everyone’s mind is how to get past this hurdle.

Fast, Accurate VAT and Operational Reporting with 4apps

More and more countries are imposing requirements on organisations to provide Standard Audit Files for Tax purposes (SAF-T), including the UK. HMRC requires businesses to keep their records digitally and provide their VAT returns through Making Tax Digital (MTD) functional compatible software as of April 2019. So this seems like an opportune moment to continue my series of blogs about Yellowfin partners by introducing the brilliant 4apps – a business helping tackle the VAT software problem.

Adding Spryker Commerce Support

We are happy to announce that our latest version of the Tideways extension (v5.0.22) includes support for the Spryker E-Commerce Platform through fully automated instrumentation and hooks into the core of Spryker. With the complexity of a large E-Commerce project, different channels, multiple language stores and landingpages for campaigns it is especially difficult to get a full view of the performance and errors from within your software as a project manager, developer or system administrator.

Black Friday Performance of Magento, Oxid, Shopware shops 2016/2017

With all the customers running Tideways on their Magento, Oxid or Shopware shops I was interested in how in the aggregated average, those shops usually perform on Black Friday compared to the 8 weeks before and the weeks after leading up to Christmas. A lot of e-commerce shops have either large Black Friday, Cyber Monday or week long christmas campaigns, which can increase the traffic to the shops significantly.