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PHP Json_encode: Serialize PHP Objects to JSON

PHP is a server-side scripting language for creating your website’s backend system that can serve webpages, communicate with databases, and exchange data over the internet. A decent backend framework like PHP needs to be capable of providing and processing data in any format (e.g., XML, JSON, etc.) to be socially accepted in a society of skilled web development frameworks.

Using AI to Autonomously Monitor Your Subscription Payment Model

There’s no question that subscription-based businesses are an incredibly popular revenue model in today’s economy. While single transaction revenue models tend to fluctuate due to the seasonality of markets, subscription plans offer much more consistent and predictable revenues. Although the subscription revenue model can certainly be advantageous over one-off transactions, these businesses are also notoriously challenging to keep subscribers active on their plan.

API Proxy vs API Gateway

Although Application Programming Interface (API) proxies and API gateways have somewhat similar high-level goals, the two are significantly different in both functionality and capabilities. APIs and microservices transformed the way businesses built their applications and interact with consumers. However, a setup which exposes multiple IP addresses has inherent weaknesses as this presents multiple targets for bad actors.

Healthcare's Big Data Challenge: How a hybrid data platform can help

The healthcare industry is crumbling under the weight of disruption. Newly empowered patients have high expectations for procedure and price transparency, and personal health information access, to enable informed treatment choices. Providers must deliver care faster, better and within a framework of rigorous quality, compliance, and cost containment guidelines. Drug and medical device makers are under pressure to deliver critical therapies quickly while ensuring safety, efficacy, and affordability.

Accounting Tools for Online Businesses

Business owners like to focus on providing the best product or service for the clients. Keeping track of expense accounts, chasing invoices, and making sure the paperwork is all there come tax time is the last thing on their mind. Larger companies can usually afford to have a specialist on staff that can keep track of these financial processes, but that will be a luxury for most.

Tracking a Developer's Journey From Documentation Visit and Sign Up to First API Call

If your business model involves selling to developers, you probably have already realized that much of the traditional processes and metrics applicable to traditional enterprise sales or consumer marketing don’t work. Specifically, selling to developers usually means attracting them to your platform and helping them succeed in building something, whether that’s a new app, integration, or automating an internal process.

Why Data-Driven Customer Success is Essential in Today's COVID-19 World

In today’s unprecedented economic downturn, it’s more difficult than ever to find and close new customers. The onus is now on maintaining existing customers as productive users of your product. By closely monitoring API metrics, Customer Success Management (CSM) teams can get an early warning on those that are at risk of churning, and rectify things before it’s too late.

JavaScript Error Tracking with AppSignal v1.3.0 is Here

We’re happy to announce that the latest npm package for error tracking of your front-end with AppSignal has just been released. For those of you who aren’t really familiar with our error tracking service, we suggest you to take a deeper look into our docs. This was one of the bigger releases, and it includes many improvements and bug fixes. Here’s what we’ve done.

Reassessing My "Works on My Machine" Certificate

I recently remembered that about 13 years ago I was fully certified with the “Works on My Machine” certificate program. Although I went through the entire evaluation process as was required by Joseph Cooney in this blog of his, to be honest, I didn’t quite like how his certificate looked. So, I decided to go the extra mile - well, really, the extra few steps- in order to get the revised certificate issued by Jeff Atwood’s version.