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Load Testing

How to Fix Slow Loading Pages: 6 Practical Tips to Improve Site Speed

Ever felt that frustration of waiting for a web page to load? Yeah, me too. And guess what? Your users feel the same. If you’re noticing a decline in user engagement, page speed might be the culprit. But don’t fret! We’ve got you covered with some nifty tips. Let’s dive into the world of site speed with some practical advice, whether you’re a business owner or a techie!

Contextual Documentation: Revolutionizing User Onboarding with LoadFocus

In the fast-paced world of performance testing, every moment counts. LoadFocus is dedicated to ensuring that our users can hit the ground running, without getting bogged down by lengthy tutorials or complex instruction manuals. Enter contextual documentation: our solution for streamlining your learning curve and maximizing productivity.

eCommerce Load Testing (Step 2): Capture Traffic

In this webinar clip from "Ensuring performance: How major retailers leverage user traffic to validate code changes", Speedscale Co-founder, Nate Lee, explains what comes next after selecting the business-critical APIs to test first: capturing traffic. Capturing traffic for the service can be done through tools like Speedscale, GoReplay, VCR, K6, and JMeter.