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Protect Your Services With Kong Gateway Key Authentication

This tutorial will walk through a common use case for the Kong Gateway Key Authentication plugin: using API key authentication to protect a route to an API server endpoint. It’s a simple use case, but it will give you the foundation to deploy and configure the plugin for your own unique project needs. Before we walk through our mini-project, let’s cover a few core concepts.

Kong Konnect Enterprise & Elastic Container Service Anywhere (ECS-A)

One of the most powerful capabilities provided by Kong Konnect Enterprise is the support for Hybrid deployments. In other words, it implements distributed API Gateway Clusters with multiple instances running on several environments at the same time. Moreover, Kong Enterprise provides a new topology option, named Hybrid Mode, with a total separation of the Control Plane (CP) and Data Plane (DP).

Session-based Recommender Systems

Recommendation systems have become a cornerstone of modern life, spanning sectors that include online retail, music and video streaming, and even content publishing. These systems help us navigate the sheer volume of content on the internet, allowing us to discover what’s interesting or important to us. The classic modeling approaches to recommendation systems can be broadly categorized as content-based, as collaborative filtering-based, or as hybrid approaches that combine aspects of the two.

Shorten time to critical insights with Streaming SQL

Data and analytics have become second nature to most businesses, but merely having access to the vast volumes of data from these devices will no longer suffice. Leading enterprises realize that the speed of data presents a new frontier for competitive differentiation. It is imperative for organizations to reduce time-to-insights to gain a competitive advantage by responding decisively to competitors, fine-tuning operations, and serving fickle customers.

Reasons why looking to a company's past can show their test innovation future

At SmartBear we have a vision for improving the lives of developers, and adding quality into the software development supply chain – no matter where in DevOps maturity an organization sits. We’ve seen a lot of success in this effort, and no small part of it involves the way we manage our acquisitions and invest in their development teams. This is true for software solutions like Zephyr, TestComplete, and ReadyAPI, as well as our innovators behind OSS projects, like Cucumber.

10 Best Data Analysis Tools for Data Management

Data analysis is a key component for operating a successful business in today's tech-savvy world. When analyzing data sets, however, every business has its own needs. While some companies employ data scientists to work with complex big data, others have fewer and less complicated data sources that even non-technical users can navigate. Your specific needs will influence the type of tool your company chooses for data management.

Testing Before Releasing with Ghost Inspector and Netlify

We've recently released a new plugin for Netlify that allows you to automatically run Ghost Inspector tests on every deploy, including deploy previews! By default, Netlify deploys your production branch on every change. To enable deploys for other branches, follow the Netlify instructions: With branch deploys enabled, you can now run Ghost Inspector tests on your website before deploying to production!

How to be a data-driven organization: Key learnings from Chief Product Officer Summit

Many people consider data-driven culture exclusively as one that comprises a large data team (analysts, data scientists), perfect data-sets neatly organized in a structured data warehouse, and the perfect tools to both access and utilize data in every decision made. Ultimately, however, much of data-driven culture comes down to a clear focus on the end-goal. Many people forget data is just an implementation, something that helps us in what we do.

Have a cool summer with BigQuery user-friendly SQL

With summer just around the corner, things are really heating up. But you’re in luck because this month BigQuery is supplying a cooler full of ice cold refreshments with this release of user-friendly SQL capabilities. We are pleased to announce three categories of BigQuery user-friendly SQL launches: Powerful Analytics Features, Flexible Schema Handling, and New Geospatial Tools.