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Inside the Modern Data Analytics Stack

Data analytics is nothing new. For decades, businesses have been deploying a "stack" of data analytics tools to collect, transform, evaluate and report on data. However, as data has grown larger in volume, and as the ability to analyze data quickly and accurately has become ever-more important to business success, the data analytics stacks that businesses depend on have evolved significantly. So, if you haven't taken a look at data analytics stacks recently, they're worth revisiting.

Streamlining Financial Reports with Spreadsheet Server's GXC Formula

If you've ever needed to retrieve a single text description in Excel for your financial reports, the GXC formula is your go-to solution. In this video, we'll guide you through the process of creating and modifying a GXC formula, demonstrating how it can seamlessly integrate with GXL formulas to provide specific account segment descriptions. Learn how to set up cell references for dynamic updates, ensuring that your account descriptions automatically update when account numbers change.

Integrating LLMs with Traditional ML: How, Why & Use Cases

Ever since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, organizations have been trying to find new and innovative ways to leverage gen AI to drive organizational growth. LLM capabilities like contextual understanding and response to natural language prompts enable the development of applications like automated AI chatbots, smart call center apps, or for financial services.

Modernizing Higher Education Curriculum Planning with Astera's Data Solutions and Governance

A 2021 Educase report shows that 75% of surveyed institutions have started or are planning extensive digital transformation strategies to improve their data utilization. The importance of a strategic approach to data utilization in this context cannot be overstated. Effective data management frameworks ensure that data across the institution is accurate, consistent, and used in alignment with internal policies and external regulations.