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API Testing - Input Sets

In this tutorial, found at you will use the Sauce Labs API Testing platform to create a simple API test with a GET request, using basic authentication. Once you have set up you basic test, you will replace the values for the tunnel owner (a username) and the tunnel ID using imput sets. By using input sets, you can run the same API test serveral times for different sets of tunnel owners & tinnel IDs without having to rewrite test logic.

Processing DICOM Files With Spark on CDP Hybrid Cloud

In this video, you will see how you can use PySpark to process medical images from an MRI and convert them from DICOM format to PNG. The data is read from and written to AWS S3 and we leverage numpy and the pydicom libraries to do the data transformation. We are using data from the "RSNA-MICCAI Brain Tumor Radiogenomic Classification" Kaggle competition but this approach can be used for general purpose DICOM processing.

Mussel | Verified Steps on Bitrise

As every team wants to speed up their app regression processes, it’s important to find a quick and easy, maintainable solution to test Push Notifications and Universal Links. Testing these is a real challenge and conventional methods will probably slow you down, accumulating the time you would normally like to spend with UI tests. Mussel will help you ease these responsibilities: it’s an open-source framework built by the amazing mobile team at Compass, testing Push Notifications, Universal Links, and Routing in XCUITests.

Sofy | Verified Steps on Bitrise

Used by Microsoft, British Telecom, Forrester and many more, is a no-code mobile app testing platform for engineers. Sofy has their own device farm with hundreds of real devices, so performing manual and automated tests are easy, just as regression testing. It's a no-code automation platform: it means you don’t have to write a single line of code. You can have the cake and eat it too!