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How MOSIP Uses Ballerina WebSubHub for Event-Driven Integration

Ballerina is an open source programming language for the cloud that makes it easier to use, combine and create network services. In addition to the powerful language features, it comes with a rich standard library, which covers network data, messaging and communication protocols.

Build an AI App in Under 20 Minutes

Machine learning is more accessible than ever, with datasets available online and Jupyter notebooks providing an easy way to explore and train models. In building a model, we often forget that it will be incorporated into an application that will provide value to the user. Therefore, we wanted to demonstrate how we can "use" the models we build in an application.

[MLOPS] From experiment management to model serving and back. A complete usecase, step-by-step!

The recording of our talk at the MLOps World summit. This talk covers a complete example, starting from experiment management and data versioning, building up into a pipeline and finally deploying using ClearML serving with drift monitoring. We then induce artifical drift to trigger the monitoring alerts and go back down the chain to quickly retrain a model and deploy it using canary deployment.

10 Best Testlio Alternatives That You Should Try Out

Testlio is an automated testing tool that allows users to get a hierarchical view of the testing workflow. It also lets the testers move and copy the test results and do parameterized testing. And the no-code approach of this testing platform makes things a breeze for customers. However, with a lack of flexibility on rollover hours, it just might not meet your testing requirements. Here are some Testlio alternatives that bridge the gap.

How to use Flutter with Google Sheets, Apps Script, and Codemagic

Mark has been tracking his company expenses using Google Sheets for the past six months. Lately, it has been difficult to keep up with tracking expenses using the current method. He wants to ease the process for himself and his staff, but it’s necessary for him to use Google Sheets. What should he do? Mark decides to build an interface that can communicate with Google Sheets.

Kafka best practices: Monitoring and optimizing the performance of Kafka applications

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. Administrators, developers, and data engineers who use Kafka clusters struggle to understand what is happening in their Kafka implementations.

The Unpleasant Phenomenon In Agile Testing

The iterative approach to software development emerged around the 1990s. What started as a small co-located, self-sustaining team approach was widely adopted by many development teams. The agile mindset paved way for multiple development frameworks, including the infamous “Scrum methodology”. With time, processes undergo metamorphoses, during which a few unpleasant practices sneak in causing distractions within the teams.