Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2023

Why transportation and logistics apps with realtime updates need elasticity

Elasticity is far from a solved problem – especially for transportation and logistics companies providing realtime updates. Prior to 2006, startups finding sudden success had to drive – often in a hurry – to a store like Best Buy to purchase new servers and support an unexpected surge in users.

The QA Tester Guide to the Many Types of Software Testing

Quality Assurance testers play an important role in verifying that company software maintains its functionality and reliability. Because the world of software testing is an expansive one, QA testers should equip themselves with an understanding of which types of software testing will be most relevant to their daily tasks. With so many different types of software testing, it can be overwhelming knowing where to start.

How Marketers Can Leverage Generative AI for Creative Breakthroughs, Scalability, and Speed

The conversation around generative AI naturally veers toward productivity, but people overlook this one, salient benefit: jumpstarting creativity. The best marketing combines data insights and creativity—and that’s where one of the many generative AI opportunities is for marketers.

Celebrating 18 Years of Innovation: Unveiling 18 Fascinating Facts About WSO2

Today, we raise our virtual glasses to toast the 18th anniversary of WSO2 – a company that has redefined the realms of software development and innovation. From its humble beginnings to becoming a global force, WSO2 has stood the test of time, consistently delivering game-changing products that drive success for countless organizations across the world. So, join us as we take a captivating journey through WSO2's milestones, uncovering 18 fascinating facts!

Transforming User Experiences By Leveraging CIAM

More than ever, companies are competing based on their ability to deliver exceptional user experiences. It can take less than 60 seconds for a busy consumer to try one company’s website, get frustrated, and jump to the site of a competitor. And customers may stop using a business altogether if they discover that it has given their personal data to some third party without permission. Such flawed digital experiences can quickly compromise brand loyalty and cut revenues in the process.

Why stakeholders are key for prioritizing data workflows

Prioritization is a difficult but vital skill for any data leader. In this segment, Alex Viana, VP of Data at Vercel discusses how he focuses on broad coverage of tasks, involving more team members to build stronger relationships, better understand workflows, and leverage stakeholder input to ensure needs are addressed effectively.

A better way for data leaders to approach generative AI

Generative AI is far more than a passing fad. But it’s still far from flawless. In this segment, Alex Viana, VP of Data at Vercel emphasizes the importance of having a strong data infrastructure and system in place before integrating AI tools, so they can bring value to data leaders as a multiplier rather than a crutch.

The #1 trend in test automation

Jason Baum and our special guests Marcus Merrell and Evelyn Coleman talk about when automated testing goes wonky! Discover valuable insights into failures in automated testing and how to avoid them. Join the Sauce Labs community, for finding and resolving issues, enhancing your testing understanding, and supporting one another in creating software, testing, and automation.

Unless You're Working on a Video Game, Nobody Wants to Use Your Software

Welcome to Test Case Scenario! In this episode, the panel engages in a thought-provoking debate, exploring whether software is a utility or a form of art. Join our engaging panelists as they delve into the realm of whether software is a tool or a means to an end, or whether it’s something that can enhance our lives.

Opening Keynote From Snowflake Summit 2023

Snowflake has been on a journey to break down silos to help organizations put their data to work. From high-performance analytics at scale to global collaboration across shared data to enabling full programmability without sacrificing governance, Snowflake continues to redefine what's possible with data... and we're just getting started.

Infrastructure Testing: Functional Testing or Cross-Functional Testing? | Monika Sharma | #testing

In this enlightening video, Monica Sharma, an accomplished software testing professional, tackles the intriguing question of whether infrastructure testing falls under the category of functional or cross-functional testing. Monica explores the intricacies of infrastructure testing and its role in ensuring the stability and reliability of software systems. Whether you're a tester, developer, or someone interested in software quality assurance, this video offers valuable perspectives on the classification of infrastructure testing.