Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2023

The Snowflake Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud

Healthcare and life sciences organizations are under unprecedented pressure to adapt and respond to changing patient needs, regulations, and market conditions. Snowflake’s Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud enables healthcare and life sciences organizations to securely leverage the full potential of data to help deliver exceptional patient and business outcomes and accelerate medical innovation, while ensuring the highest levels of data security, governance, and compliance.

Software Testing Jobs on 4th August | Automation Tester Vacancies | Curated Job Openings for QAs

This video is a top resource that provides you with the latest job opportunities in the software testing and quality assurance (QA) industry. It allows you to stay up-to-date with the rapidly changing technological landscape by exploring exciting career prospects in both manual and automation testing. Given the high demand for qualified software testers, now is an excellent time to enhance your career prospects.

Azure SQL vs MySQL: What are the Differences?

Here we’ll review Azure SQL vs MySQL, and what their differences are. Databases have been around for ages. From ancient paper based records to modern computerized systems, they essentially serve one purpose, which is to enable data storage in a way that is structured, permanent and easily retrievable or referenced, while maintaining its integrity. Here’s the key things to know about picking Azure SQL vs MySQL: Table of Contents.

AI vs. Generative AI: What's the Difference?

Google the topic of artificial intelligence, and you’re likely to be taken down a deep, winding rabbit hole. If you venture only a little under the surface, you will encounter fantastical terms like perceptron, sigmoid neuron, and nonlinearly separable classifications. To save you from falling into that hole, this article will give a short, clear explanation of AI vs. generative AI.

8 Compelling Reasons to Incorporate Design Thinking into Your Business Strategy

Design thinking gained importance and popularity over the years due to several factors and shifts in the business landscape. As markets became more competitive and saturated, businesses recognized the need to differentiate themselves by offering products and services that truly address customer needs. Design thinking’s emphasis on understanding and empathizing with users provided a robust framework for creating customer-centric solutions.

17 Best Free Retail Datasets for Machine Learning

The retail industry has been shaped and fundamentally transformed by disruptive technologies in the past decade. From AI assisted customer service experiences to advanced robotics in operations, retailers are pursuing new technologies to address margin strains and rising customer expectations.

What is Webdriverio: A Complete Tutorial for Beginners

WebdriverIO stands as a robust automation testing framework, offering a simplified approach to test web applications. With its user-friendly interface and support for multiple programming languages, WebdriverIO proves to be an excellent choice, particularly for beginners in the realm of test automation. In this comprehensive tutorial, we will delve into the core elements of WebdriverIO, guiding you through the seamless process of installation, setup, and utilization.

A Heartfelt Note to All The Proud Testers on this Tester's Day

Dear Testers, Happy Tester’s day! First of all, a quick question, previous to the posts since morning, how many of us knew such a day even existed? But for some reason, it exists and we thought it’s a good time to reflect on ourselves, the Testers, and the amazing work we do.

What Are The Reasons Behind Flakiness in Tests? | Cristiano Cunha | #flakytest #softwaretesting

In this informative video, Cristiano Cunha, a respected software testing professional, uncovers the underlying reasons behind flakiness in tests. Cristiano delves into the factors that contribute to this common challenge, shedding light on its origins and implications. Whether you're a tester, developer, or anyone involved in software quality assurance, this video offers a comprehensive exploration of the reasons behind flakiness and provides practical guidance on how to mitigate its effects.