Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2023

Data-Driven Quality: How Production Data Drives System Improvement | Nagabhushan Ramappa |

In this insightful video, Nagabhushan Ramappa, a distinguished figure in the software industry, reveals how data captured at the production stage can be leveraged to enhance quality systems. Nagabhushan explores the valuable insights that production data can provide and explains how it can drive improvements in software quality. Whether you're a software professional, a quality assurance expert, or simply curious about the intersection of data and quality, this video offers a compelling perspective on harnessing production data to elevate the overall quality of software systems.

ESB vs. Microservices: Understanding Key Differences

We’re delving into ESB vs. Microservices. The Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) has reigned for more than a decade as the preferred method for connecting monolithic business applications. However, with digital transformation and cloud-services rising to the forefront – forethinking enterprises are racing to achieve greater agility.

REST API Principles | A Comprehensive Overview

REST APIs are the basis of all interactions between different applications. Many companies and organizations today offer APIs to interact with their applications. REST APIs allow third-party application developers to perform operations such as transmitting or accessing data from one application to another. This is called a public API. This means that this API is intended for interaction with third-party apps.

What is End-to-End Testing and How Does It Fit into a Comprehensive Testing Approach?

End-to-end (E2E) testing is an important part of the software development process, serving as a comprehensive way to verify that applications and systems work properly in real-life scenarios. It provides a level of assurance that your application will correctly exhibit behavior from start to finish.

Use ChatGPT to Develop a SOAP/XML Custom Kong Konnect Plugin

Today, APIs are based on modern communication patterns: REST, GraphQL, or gRPC. But two decades ago, the majority of Web Services were developed with SOAP/XML. In this blog, we’ll explain how Kong Konnect can manage SOAP/XML Web Services by creating custom plugins and by using ChatGPT. We’ll cover using ChatGPT to develop a Lua custom plugin and how to deploy and test a SOAP/XML custom plugin on Kong Konnect and Kong Enterprise.

How to identify and report bugs during exploratory testing?

In the fast-paced world of software development, identifying and reporting defects is the core responsibility of testers. It's common to become familiar with the application you are testing and develop blindspots that hinder your ability to identify and investigate defects. One of the reasons for this to happen is that you rely on scripted testing only.

From Limitations to Liberation: Unveiling API Potential Through Documentation and Exploration

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, APIs are the backbone of seamless integration and innovation across various software platforms. As businesses and developers strive to create interconnected and efficient applications, having comprehensive and value-driven API documentation and API exploration tools within the same platform is indispensable.

Driving Better Developer Experience with SwaggerHub Portal

SmartBear is excited to announce the release of SwaggerHub Portal, a feature of SwaggerHub allowing you to customize consumer-facing documentation for your APIs to maximize API discoverability. With its intuitive interface, you can easily create onboarding guides, reference documentation, and other materials that help developers both understand and integrate your APIs into their applications. With Portal, you can easily sync your API designs from SwaggerHub with zero context switching.

Introduction to Design Patterns in Software Development

In the realm of software development, designing apps that are reliable and scalable is crucial. Design patterns are essential in achieving these objectives, being useful in OOP, UI and even QR Code design. The main reason is that design patterns offer reusable solutions to typical problems. This post explains the idea of design patterns, exploring their types, benefits and practical applications.

Benefits of Real-Time Data Integration for Business Intelligence

Data-driven businesses like yours require up-to-the-second actionable insights to stay ahead of the curve. According to recent industry reports, businesses that can make timely decisions based on real-time data have been shown to outperform their competitors by 20%. Real-time data integration processes and transfers data to a centralized location as quickly as possible, enabling you to make informed decisions and address organizational challenges immediately, rather than in a few hours or days.