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What's new in BigQuery ML: non-linear model types and model export

We launched BigQuery ML, an integrated part of Google Cloud’s BigQuery data warehouse, in 2018 as a SQL interface for training and using linear models. Many customers with a large amount of data in BigQuery started using BigQuery ML to remove the need for data ETL, since it brought ML directly to their stored data. Due to ease of explainability, linear models worked quite well for many of our customers.

8 key considerations for choosing an Embedded Analytics solution

Historically, analytics has not always been a priority feature for software vendors. Many applications typically are built with analytics bolted-on later, as standalone tools. But the changing needs of today’s business users has accelerated the importance of providing in-built ways to monitor and explore their data while they use your software.

Turbocharge Your Application With Contextual Analytics Webinar - Yellowfin BI

Innovate your application and create highly valuable analytic experiences for your end-users with contextual analytics. Contextual analytics, as the next phase of embedded, brings dashboards, automated analysis and analytics directly into your application’s core workflows delivering data directly within the user interface and within the transaction flow. By seamlessly blending analytics and actions, improve both your app’s core functionality and enable opportunities for exciting new analytical experiences for your users - and improve the value of your application.

How a modern data platform supports government fraud detection

November 15-21 marks International Fraud Awareness Week – but for many in government, that’s every week. From bogus benefits claims to fraudulent network activity, fraud in all its forms represents a significant threat to government at all levels. Some experts estimate the U.S. government loses nearly 150 billion dollars due to potential fraud each year, McKinsey & Company reports.

Fraud Prevention - 3 Data Strategies for Financial Services

Fraud awareness in the Financial Services industry is more important than ever. According to the September 2020 benchmarking report conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) in response to the coronavirus, 77% of survey respondents, representing a range of industries, have observed an increase in the overall level of fraud as of August, compared with 68% in May. The report reveals 68% of respondents have observed an increase in payment fraud schemes (vs.

Cost Optimization on Microsoft Azure

Do you use big data and streaming services - such as Azure HDInsight, Databricks, and Kafka/EventHubs? Do you have on-premises big data that you want to move to Azure? Keeping costs down in Microsoft Azure is difficult, but vital. Join Chris Santiago of Unravel Data and explore how to to reduce, manage, and allocate streaming data and big data costs in Azure.

Cost-Effective, High-Performance Move to Cloud

The move to cloud may be the biggest challenge, and opportunity, facing IT departments today. In this 45-minute webinar, Unravel Data product marketer Floyd Smith and Solutions Engineering Director Chris Santiago describe how to move workloads to the cloud quickly, cost-effectively, and with high performance for the newly cloud-based workloads. Tune in to find out the best way to de-risk your cloud migration projects with data driven insights.