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Validate WSO2 API Manager gateway request with open policy agent

Open policy agent (OPA) enables you to write security and compliance policies as code, or call any external policies using the OPA standard. WSO2 API manager uses this capability to offload policy decisions of API gateway requests to this policy engine. By decoupling the policy enforcement from evaluation, API policymakers now have the opportunity to write dynamic and reusable policies for ever-changing requirements. You can then reuse an OPA policy like any other policy in the API Manager by graphically dragging and dropping it into a policy pipeline. This video explains how it works and gives a demo.

API Security: Tips and Practices to Keep Your System Safe

As more and more businesses move to API-driven architectures, the need for strong API security increases. If your business relies on APIs to connect different parts of your infrastructure, you need to make sure your APIs are adequately secured. This article will discuss API security best practices to protect your data.

Supply Chains and Gas Prices: Mitigating Risk With Technology

As gas prices soar due to restrictions on both domestic oil and imports from oil-producing countries, we’ve shifted our collective focus to the energy sector. It’s increasingly apparent that the global oil and natural gas supply chain sits in a delicate balance—supply chain disruptions in one country can affect gas and oil prices around the world. If a top oil-producing nation ramps down natural gas production or distribution, additional supply must come from another nation.

What is a Java Stack Trace? How to Read & Analyze Traces

A Java stack trace is displayed when an error or exception occurs. The stack trace, also called a backtrace, consists of a collection of stack records, which store an application's movement during its execution. The stack trace includes information about program subroutines and can be used to debug or troubleshoot and is often used to create log files. These exceptions could be custom (defined by the user) or built-in.

Using Moesif and Stripe for Pay-As-You-Go API Billing

Offering customers a variety of ways to pay for your product allows for flexibility and ease. In general, there are two ways for customers to pay for usage: Post-paid and pre-paid. Pre-paid is sometimes also referred to as PAYG, or Pay-As-You-Go. Post-paid usage can sometimes lead customers to have billing surprises if they are not tracking their usage closely. This can cause headaches for these users and can also cause issues for the service provider.

How to build a better finance app: advice from a Principal Engineer at NatWest bank

Adam Law shares some practices and processes that his team uses to ensure that their finance app continues to serve the customer in the best possible way. We’re sharing them with you in the hopes that you pick up something new for your team!