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Dependency Injection in JavaScript: Write Testable Code Easily

I struggled with two aspects of software development as a junior engineer: structuring large codebases and writing testable code. Test-driven development is such a common technique that is often taken for granted, but it's not always clear how code can be made fully testable. I remember reading examples where an author would cleanly unit test a function, and in principle, it made sense. But real code doesn't look like those examples.

A simple way to implement usage-based API billing is finally here

Metered Billing has finally arrived in Moesif and we are super excited to be rolling out this latest feature. We have worked hard to deliver a smooth and simple way to monetize your APIs by allowing usage that is tracked in Moesif to be metered and billed by your favorite billing providers. Moesif can calculate and send usage data to a billing provider so your customers can be billed accurately, based on their usage.

Is Data Mesh or API Management Right For You?

API management has been around for over a decade. It is the process of designing, analyzing, documenting, and publishing APIs in a secure environment. A comprehensive API management solution can guarantee that the APIs you create are consumable and secure. However, how do you know if data mesh or API management is right for your business? The concept of data mesh was introduced a few years ago by Zhamak Dehghani on Martin Fowler’s bliki.

3 Tips for Insurers to Stay Competitive with a Digital Claims Experience

Every step of an organization’s customer journey plays a role in overall customer satisfaction. But for insurers facing increased competition from emerging insurtechs, the digital claims experience is perhaps the most crucial to get right. According to EY Global’s Consumer Insurance Survey, 87% of policyholders say the claims experience directly impacts their decision to remain with their insurance provider. To up the ante even further, insurtech funding has been increasing exponentially.

Delayed Job vs. Sidekiq: Which Is Better?

Most applications need background jobs for mailers, regular clean-ups, or any other time-consuming operation that doesn't require a user to be present. Several gems support job queues and background processing in the Rails world — Delayed Job and Sidekiq being the two most popular ones. In this post, we will take a detailed look at Delayed Job and Sidekiq, including how they fare against each other. Let's go!

The Basics of Package.json

In this chapter, we'll give you a kickstart introduction to effectively using package.json with Node.js and npm. The package.json file is core to the Node.js ecosystem and is a fundamental part of understanding and working with Node.js, npm, and even modern JavaScript. This file is used as a manifest, storing information about applications, modules, packages, and more.

API Discoverability and Self Service

Businesses have been adopting more apps over the last decade. The right applications make it easier for them to communicate with customers, analyze data, improve efficiency, and refine their business practices. The number of apps used by businesses jumped incredibly during 2020 as the pandemic made it more difficult or impossible for employees to work from their offices. As organizations rely more heavily on diverse applications, they need reliable API management tools with self-service features.

Intergenerational Knowledge-Sharing: Democratizing Technological Discovery

For my sixth birthday, my father brought home a globe of the world. It is the best birthday present I have ever received. We had been reading Stefan Zweig’s masterful book on Magellan together, and together, we traced our fingers along the vast, boundless oceans of our world. We lived in a small, tiny apartment, but with that gift, my imagination soared beyond the confines of our cramped home.