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How Serverless is an emerging Software Architecture?

Software development has greatly evolved over the years. Serverless is an emerging software architecture that could resolve issues when it comes to developing software solutions. As software developers, you’re tasked with server setup, installing the software, operating systems requirements, server management and maintenance, designing an application with high fault tolerance and availability, as well as managing load balance and more.

The role of DevSecOps in finance app development

One of the most important shifts of the past few years in finance and banking was the movement from primarily branch-based banks to mobile-first banks. While these innovative products simplify the end-user experience, they also bring up more security concerns, since digital channels expose a number of vulnerabilities. These apps deal with sensitive user data, such as private financial or personal information, which means that the prevention of any type of breach is of utmost importance.

Want To Release Faster? Address These Bottlenecks

Develop fast, release, learn, repeat. That’s essentially the (not-so-secret) innovation formula, right? Most of us spend our time enhancing the products we have already released. We want to be innovative, releasing new features with the velocity of an unencumbered startup. Yet, we also have customers with quality expectations we need to meet. Guidance on shortening release cycles often centers on adopting agile (or similar) development methodologies. But most companies are already there.

Exploring Node.js Async Hooks

Have you ever heard of Node.js async hooks module? If the answer is no, then you should get familiar with it. Even though it’s new stuff (released along with Node.js 9) and the module is still in experimental mode, which means it’s not recommended for production, you should still get to know it a bit better. In short, Node.js async hooks, more specifically the async_hooks module, provides a clear and easy-to-use API to track async resources in Node.js.

Why do Kubernetes pods stay in pending state?

Kubernetes refers to an open-source platform managing containerized service. This portable system simplifies automation and configuration. You can link an app in a Kubernetes cluster and connect it to IBM Cloud Kubernetes service through the VPN. In this article, we will focus on why your kubernetes pod stays in pending state.

Video: Identifying Memory Bloat

In this video, we are going to take a look at what memory bloat is, what causes it, and how you can use Scout to eliminate it from your applications. Memory related performance issues have the potential to bring your entire application down, and yet, most APMs completely ignore this fact and fail to provide any useful way of monitoring memory usage at all.

How Containerized Applications Increase Speed & Efficiency

Most modern applications today are being designed as a set of microservices with each service running as an independent application. This simply implies that one large application is broken down into small Apps running independently and only communicating with each other. This of course makes it much easier to build and maintain Apps but also offers way more value when combined with containerization technology.

Robust JavaScript Error Handling. Learn About JavaScript Errors

By combining custom errors, named functions and Bugfender, you can create a robust error-handling process that allows you to immediately identify the defects of your JavaScript apps. Unhandled JavaScript errors will stop the execution of your script, leaving the application in an undesired state – or, even worse, in an unknown state. So you need a robust error-handling process to avoid unknown errors in your apps. But, why are errors thrown anyway?