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How to Manage Ruby Memory Usage

Even the most prominent and reliable frameworks are notorious for burning out resources if not configured perfectly. In this post, we are about to take a look at how Ruby, one of the most prominent programming languages and an awesome web application alternative when combined with Rails, manages memory, and how you can make it perform even better. Ruby is a scripting language built for use in web applications and similar stuff.

Why should you use Elasticsearch on your website?

In this post we’re covering a range of the best reasons why you should consider using Elasticsearch for your business or website. We’ve brought together some of our favourite experts working in eCommerce and Technology to let us know why they love using Elasticsearch for their projects & why they would recommend this powerful search engine. Two of the biggest reasons for using Elasticsearch were detailed by Usama Raudo, Marketing Strategist at Within The Flow.

FaaS Vs. Serverless: Resolving the Dilemma

In the vast ever-changing world of technology, Serverless and Faas are the two new categories of cloud computing services. Both FaaS and Serverless have helped organizations in saving money, refocusing developers’ time, relegating infrastructure management, and harnessing cloud technology. However, while both are treated as the same, there is a slight difference. Through this post, we will shed light on the similarities and differences between FaaS vs.

The Top Paid, Free & Open Source Business intelligence (BI) Tools For 2021

Business Intelligence (BI) tools allow businesses to gather, process and analyse large amounts of data so that they are able to make decisions and see opportunities as well as visualise and report on key metrics for Stakeholders. The range of Business Intelligence tools available to use is an ever-expanding list with newcomers to the market appearing every year.

How to Debug a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile App From Scratch

Kotlin Multiplatform apps are a great option for big projects. They allow us to unify the business logic under a Kotlin module while using the latest perks of each platform’s individual UI, significantly reducing development costs. Debugging in Kotlin Multiplatform is easy, as you can use typical tools like adding breakpoints and printing logs in the console – and in Bugfender. Continue reading for a full tutorial. KMM stands for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.

A Guide to Software Understandability: Why It's Essential To Every Developer

‍As most developers know, their code doesn’t always behave as they expect it to and they’re not quite sure why. This is most apparent when it comes to debugging their software. In order to figure out what the problem is, developer teams must go through a very long process in order to get the data they need to understand the problem. This can involve unnecessary wait times, unproductive hours, and a lot of wasted resources.