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All about test automation: best practices with Angie Jones | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Angie Jones worked as Head of Developer Relations at Applitools, a new generation test automation platform powered by visual AI. On top of that, she is the founder and Executive Director of Test Automation University. She’s previously worked as a Senior Software Developer at Twitter and regularly gives talks about Javascript, software development, and testing best practices.

Building mobile infrastructure with Russell Stephens Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Russell Stephens was the Mobile Infrastructure Lead at Compass, a company that builds software for real estate agents. They have two tracks for mobile developers: feature-based roles for helping the product teams iterate on specific feature sets and a dedicated team for mobile infrastructure, where developers are responsible for maintaining and iterating on the mobile platform.

Build secure mobile applications with Anastasiia Voitova | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

In this episode, we talked about all aspects of app security: the benefits of integrating end-to-end security checks, zero knowledge and zero trust architectures, and cryptography best practices. We’ve seen in the past few years that DevSecOps is on the rise and sophisticated mobile teams take app security very seriously. However, there’s still a large gap between these teams and those who take it less seriously, and often see security as the necessary evil.

App Performance Monitoring with Rasmus Larsson | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Rasmus is the Product Strategy Director at Pulselive, a Sony company that has been crafting digital experiences to connect teams, leagues, and sports federations to their fans for over a decade. The mobile team’s main motivation is to continuously build the best possible sports apps with the best UI, the best UX, built on the best code. They are doing all these things for an impressive list of clients, including AFL, Premier League, or Liverpool FC.

IT vs Shadow IT - Between 2 bits ep. 01

Just how big of a deal is shadow IT, really? Will downloading that piece of data integration software that’s not been approved by IT provide a path to faster, better data analytics, or bring the whole company crashing down in a storm of security and regulatory noncompliance challenges? In this week’s episode, join our hosts for a discussion about all things shadow IT: why it happens, what can make it dangerous, why some think it’s necessary, and above all, is there a solution that can make everybody happy?