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Product Release

Katalon Platform March 2023 Release

The Katalon Platform is continuously evolving to provide the best user experience and to help quality engineers streamline their processes. This release introduces significant enhancements to its Atlassian Jira integration and defect reporting, making it easier for QA managers, quality engineers, and developers to collaborate effectively.

What's New in Kong Ingress Controller 2.9?

We’re happy to announce the release of Kong Ingress Controller (KIC) 2.9, in which we’ve taken significant steps towards solution extensibility, deployment flexibility, and lowering the cost of ownership. KIC now offers a number of features that we think you’ll be excited about: Here are the details about each of these features.

Iceberg Tables: Catalog Support Now Available

As announced at Snowflake Summit 2022, Iceberg Tables combines unique Snowflake capabilities with Apache Iceberg and Apache Parquet open source projects to support your architecture of choice. As part of the latest Iceberg release, we’ve added catalog support to the Iceberg project to ensure that engines outside of Snowflake can interoperate with Iceberg Tables.

k-SIX News - Breaking News! Grafana Cloud k6 launch

Announcing the launch of Grafana Cloud k6! The k6 Cloud platform is finally available as a new offering within Grafana Cloud that empowers developers, operations and QA teams to prevent system failures and consistently deliver fast and reliable applications. The announcement comes directly from Raj Dutt, Grafana Labs CEO. Paul Balogh gives a tour through the new clouds in his weather segment, closing with the usual fun and bloopers.

Introducing Kong Enterprise 2.8 Long Term Support

Kong is proud to announce our first-ever Long Term Support (LTS) version of Kong Enterprise. Kong Enterprise 2.8 LTS will be supported up to March 25, 2025. LTS is an industry term for a software release that is supported for a longer period of time than other releases. LTS versions are popular because once users are on an LTS version, they can rest assured that this version will continue to receive technical support and security updates during the LTS period.

Introducing Grafana Cloud k6: unified performance testing and observability

Organizations use load and performance testing to prevent issues from impacting customers, which is essential if they want to stay relevant in today’s digital-first world. And with the rise of cloud native technology and DevOps, software teams must shift performance testing left, towards development. However, traditional load and performance testing tools simply haven’t kept pace, leaving developers, operations, and QA teams siloed.

Self Service is Simply Efficient - Cloudera DataFlow Designer GA announcement

We are thrilled to announce that the new DataFlow Designer is now generally available to all CDP Public Cloud customers. Data leaders will be able to simplify and accelerate the development and deployment of data pipelines, saving time and money by enabling true self service.

Introducing ThoughtSpot Sage: AI-Powered Analytics with GPT

Today we’re excited to announce ThoughtSpot Sage, our new search experience that combines the power of GPT’s natural language processing and generative AI capabilities with the accuracy and security of our patented self-service analytics platform. With this new integration, data teams will be able to exponentially increase their impact across an organization as business users self-serve personalized, actionable, and trustworthy insights like never before.