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2 Approaches to Microservices Monitoring and Logging

We’re seeing a massive shift in how companies build their software. More and more, companies are building—or are rapidly transitioning—their applications to a microservice architecture. The monolithic application is giving way to the rise of microservices. With an application segmented into dozens (or hundreds!) of microservices, monitoring and consolidated logging become imperative.

APM With Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes Ingress

While monitoring is an important part of any robust application deployment, it can also seem overwhelming to get a full application performance monitoring (APM) stack deployed. In this post, we’ll see how operating a Kubernetes environment using the open-source Kong Ingress Controller can simplify this seemingly daunting task! You’ll learn how to use Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes Ingress to simplify APM setup.

APM with Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes Ingress

In this video, we’ll see how operating a Kubernetes environment using Kong Ingress Controller, Prometheus and Grafana can simplify the daunting task of getting full application performance monitoring up and running. Want to learn more about Kong Ingress Controller? Join us at Kong Summit (Sept 28-30), the biggest event for API practitioners.

Chaos testing with k6, Prometheus, and Grafana (Schrödinger's Pokémon)

In this presentation, Nicole van der Hoeven talks about what chaos engineering is, what it has to do with testing, and how to run chaos experiments and load tests in the same script, using k6. She also talks about how to set up Grafana and Prometheus for observability during chaos testing.

Monitoring in BigQuery

Want to ensure that your BigQuery environment stays cost effective and secure? In this episode of BigQuery Spotlight, we’ll examine how monitoring your data warehouse can optimize costs, help you pinpoint which queries need to be optimized, and audit both data-sharing and access. Watch to learn how BigQuery gives you the flexibility to export any of these data sources back into your data warehouse for custom reporting.

How Influencing Events Impact the Accuracy of Business Monitoring

Businesses are flooded with constantly changing thresholds brought on by seasonality, special promotions and changes in consumer habits. Manual monitoring with static thresholds can’t account for events that do not occur in a regularly timed pattern. That’s why historical context of influencing events is critical in preventing false positives, wasted resources and disappointed customers.