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Extend Your Test Environments with Katalon and TestingBot Integration

We’re excited to roll out our new integration between Katalon Studio and TestingBot. This integration plugin allows you to easily create and manage tests in Katalon Studio and extend your test coverage with more than 2,000 browsers and devices from TestingBot. This plugin is available for free download on Katalon Store. You can easily configure your credentials and choices of browsers and devices and take advantage of the TestingBot Selenium and Appium grid.

Pros and Cons of Using structure.sql in Your Ruby on Rails Application

In today’s post, we’ll cover the significant differences and benefits of using structure.sql versus the default schema.rb schema formats in your Ruby on Rails application. In a data-driven world, knowing how to exploit all of your database’s rich features can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful enterprise.

ESB and API Management: Which One and Why?

With new systems, applications, and data sources added on a regular basis, IT environments are growing more complex than ever before. To deal with this complexity, organizations are relying on API management solutions that make their environments more tightly connected, facilitating information exchange. It’s no surprise, then, that the API management industry has never been stronger.

From GDPR to CCPA, the right to data access is the achille's heel of data privacy compliance and customer trust - Part 2

In the first part of this series, I explained what is DSAR and why the organizations should care about it. Now, let’s take a look at how the process can be perceived by the customers. Our recent GDPR benchmark research shows that the road can be tortuous.

Announcing support for Apache Flink with the GA of Cloudera Streaming Analytics

We cannot hold our excitement anymore! For the last few months, our Data-in-Motion engineering teams have been working hard to deliver a compelling and critical part of our Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) story. To enhance our Stream Processing and Analytics narrative within the overall Data-in-Motion platform, we give you support for Apache Flink with the general availability of Cloudera Streaming Analytics (CSA).

8 Mobile Apps That Help You Create Content With Unique Features

Creating content for your website is like decorating the interior of your new house, if you don’t get it right, you would have your visitors dissatisfied and see them leave! Whether it is business or life, time is of the essence and the biggest currency in modern times. So, how can you create unique content, coping up with your busy schedule and other projects? It is quite simple, and you can go mobile! How?

Using Selenium IDE Record and Playback tool

Selenium IDE is an open source record and playback tool used. Easy to use and fast in generating UI functional test cases. End to End testing is quite fast when you create tests from the Selenium IDE Chrome Extension or Firefox Add-on. Debugging tests, setting breakpoints, running an UI test to a specific test step work out of the box the new version of Selenium IDE. Test suites are available in order to group previously generated test cases, and exporting your test cases is a click of a button away.

Kuma 0.3.2 Released with Kong Gateway Support, Prometheus Metrics and GUI Improvements!

Happy New Year! To kick off 2020, we’re proud to announce Kuma’s 0.3.2 release that includes long, anticipated features. The most prominent one is Kong Gateway support for ingress into your Kuma mesh. Another exciting feature that was widely requested is Prometheus support, which will enable you to scrape your applications’ metrics. Lastly, we announced the Kuma GUI in the last release. Thanks to a lot of early feedback, we’ve added many exciting improvements in this release.