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How to Market to Developers with Paid Marketing

At Moesif, we primarily market to developers and other technical audiences like product managers and developer relations teams looking to make their own developer platform successful. Getting developers to adopt your API or tool is hard and requires heavy investment in experimentation and measurement in order to achieve the results you’re looking for. At the same time, much of the online advice you hear for B2C or B2B marketing simply won’t work when marketing to developers.

Embracing Big Data And Multi-Function Analytics To Better Manage Complexity

Guest post by Mark Ferman, Sr. Oil & Gas Analytics Advisor Oil and Gas companies operate within one of the most demanding business environments on the planet with an array of complex challenges that regularly test their ability to innovate, plan, and execute strategic objectives.

Operational Database NoSQL and Related Capabilities

This blog post is part of a series on Cloudera’s Operational Database (OpDB) in CDP. Each post goes into more details about new features and capabilities. Start from the beginning of the series with, Operational Database in CDP. This blog post gives you an overview of the NoSQL, component integration, and object store support capabilities of OpDB.

How to accelerate testing with in-sprint automation

In modern development practices like Agile and DevOps, testers work in compressed test execution cycles, and automate regression tests to reduce time, efforts and costs involved in testing. But even so, testing doesn’t advance at the same speed as development. The most common form of test automation is N-1 Sprint automation in which QA teams test one sprint behind development.

Speeding up Rails with Memoization

Whoever first said that "the fastest code is no code" must have really liked memoization. After all, memoization speeds up your application by running less code. In this article, Jonathan Miles introduces us to memoization. We'll learn when to use it, how to implement it in Ruby, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Buckle up!

Splunk your Kafka with SQL

Here at, we’re focused on making data technologies such as Apache Kafka and Kubernetes as accessible to every organization as possible. It’s part of our DataOps vision and company DNA. Lenses is built by developers, for developers. We understand the headaches they live with and the challenges they face seemingly have to learn a new data technology every few months. We believe that’s just not the right model.

Celebrating a decade of data: BigQuery turns 10

Editor’s note: Today we’re hearing from some of the team members involved in building BigQuery over the past decade, and even before. Our thanks go to Jeremy Condit, Dan Delorey, Sudhir Hasbe, Felipe Hoffa, Chad Jennings, Jing Jing Long, Mosha Pasumansky, Tino Tereshko, and William Vambenepe, and Alicia Williams. This month, Google’s cloud data warehouse BigQuery turns 10.