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A new dawn for Business: CRM Marketing Automation

Imagine having a powerful tool that revolutionizes how you communicate and do business with your customers. That’s precisely what Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, offers. It’s a category of software solutions combining data-driven technology to enhance customer interactions and improve business performance.

Top 8 Android Frameworks for App Development you need to know!

Isn't it remarkable how the market for android app development has seen such exponential growth, with an unheard-of CAGR of almost 8.83%? It's also projected to hit the US$673.80bn mark by the end of 2027, all credit goes to the ongoing technological advancements and the digital transformation happening across industries. ‍ But amidst this surge, have businesses truly pondered the intricacies of mobile app development? And what makes a particular app stand out and perform exceptionally well?

Demystifying Microfrontends: A Practical Approach with React and Module Federation

Microfrontends is a modern front-end architectural approach, by which web applications are segmented (or decomposed) into smaller self-contained units, allowing for easier management and scalability. You can our introduction article to Microfrontends to understand better this architecture approach. Today we’re going to provide a step-by-step guide to the process of building a real-world application using React and Module Federation.

Making the Leap from Azure to Codemagic

This article was origninally published here. In this article, we’re spilling the beans on why we switched from Azure to Codemagic and showing you exactly how to supercharge your CI/CD game. We’re covering the entire spectrum — from compiling and creating release notes to testing and deployment. Let’s rewind a bit to our iOS developers’ struggles. Our CI process (think builds, tests, and coverage) was taking a chunky 40–50 minutes.

How Tuist migrated from GitHub Actions to Codemagic for faster and more reliable CI

Headline: The transition to Codemagic made our CI builds faster and more reliable and positively impacted the experience of contributors contributing to our open-source project, Tuist. Thanks to Codemagic’s support, we can bring new free goods to the Swift community and the ecosystem of app developers.

WebdriverIO - All You Need To Know

In today's fast-paced software development industry, it is highly critical to deliver high-quality web and mobile applications rapidly is paramount. This is where automation testing services come in, and WebdriverIO emerges as a powerful test automation solution. Designed for the modern web, WebdriverIO is a test automation framework that seamlessly interacts with both web applications and native mobile applications on iOS and android devices.