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How we contribute to the Flutter ecosystem

This month, both Flutter and Codemagic have an anniversary to celebrate! Flutter 1.0 was released in December 2018 at Flutter Live. At the same event, we launched Codemagic, the community’s favorite CI/CD tool for Flutter. This also marked the beginning of the ongoing partnership between the Flutter team and Nevercode, the company behind Codemagic CI/CD.

A to Z of Software Testing: Terms, Tips, & Advice for Newbies

In today’s software world, testing is an inevitable part of the process, but if you’re new to it, it can be hard to know where to begin. The following guide will provide you with a basic understanding of some of the most frequently used terms and how they can be applied to your work. It will also have some tips that will help you improve your software testing efforts. Table Of Contents.

The Automation Testers' Solution To Inspect Elements on iPhone

Developers work to create responsive websites in an ongoing effort to deliver improved performance across mobile platforms. However, developers might encounter numerous difficulties, such as a specific rendering issue related to responsive designs. Therefore, every contemporary web browser comes with a complete set of developer tools for evaluating the functionality and alignment of elements.

What are CSS Breakpoints and Media Query Breakpoints [2022 UPDATED]

The point at which information and design of website adjust to offer optimal user experience is known as the breakpoint in a responsive design. Breakpoints can be defined in CSS primarily as pixel values by developers and designers. However, selecting a strategy for adding a breakpoint might be challenging. There isn’t a single guideline or syntax that all frameworks must follow. To ensure responsiveness, you can utilize a media query.

10 must-have chrome extensions for Testers

This is not just a blog which tells you to add few things to your already existing big list of tasks, in turn it helps you to make the Testing easy and do it in a smart way. I can say, Chrome Extensions are the wealth of software Testers which makes our lives easier and helps us to do smart work. They help us to add more functionality to the browser and helps us to ease the work, and get it done in a very short time.

How to Inspect Element on Android

Learn how to inspect elements on Android devices to debug your website If you're a website developer, it's important to ensure that your website looks and functions as designed on different devices, browsers, and operating systems. UI testing is an important part of mobile testing. It's particularly important on Android devices. Android is the most popular operating system with 71% of the global smartphone market share.

Migrating a Flutter app to Material 3

At Google I/O 2021, Google announced the next evolution of Material Design, Material You, along with Android 12. The Material Design system’s biggest overhaul yet brought redesigned components, new colors, a wide range of shapes, simplified typography, new elevation, better accessibility, and many other tweaks. With this update, Flutter apps can have a consistent design across multiple platforms.