Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Enhancing APIOps and Federated API Management with decK 1.24

We are thrilled to announce that we have reached a significant milestone in our journey to provide the best possible developer experience to our Kong user community. We have added a host of new functionality to decK, our declarative management tool for Kong Gateway. These new functions enhance API lifecycle automation (APIOps) capabilities and provide a smoother path to federated API management. These features are now available to everyone and can be found in decK 1.24.0.

AIOps Observability: Going Beyond Traditional APM

AIOps is an emerging technology that applies machine learning and analytics techniques to IT operations. AIOps enables IT teams to leverage advanced algorithms to identify performance issues, predict outages, and optimize system performance. Nodesource sees significant advantages for developers and teams to increase software quality by leveraging AIOPS.

15 of the Best Data Analytics Tools of 2021

The importance of effective data analytics within an organization is widely accepted by business leaders at this point. With use cases for data analysis spanning every department—from IT management, financial planning, marketing analytics, and so on—the right data analytics tools can have a significant impact on a company’s profitability and growth.

Top 6 Functional AIOps Requirements to Evaluate in Your RFP

AIOps adoption is on the rise. According to Gartner, by 2023 40 percent of DevOps teams will augment application and infrastructure monitoring tools with AIOps platform capabilities. Use cases are also expanding beyond IT to include IT Service Management (ITSM), digital experience monitoring (DEM), DevOps, Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and third party services.

Top 10 Bank Leverages Unravel's AIOps capabilities to tame fraud detection and compliance app performance failures

Unsurprisingly, Modern data apps have become crucial across all areas of the financial industry, with apps for fraud detection, claims processing and compliance amongst others playing a business critical role. Unravel has been deployed by several of the world’s largest financial services organizations to ensure these critical apps perform reliably at all times.