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What the Death of the Cookie Means for Marketing Analytics

Google Chrome is moving ahead with its plans to deprecate third-party cookies in 2022. The death of the cookie follows more downstream changes to Internet privacy. Marketers need to tackle how these changes will impact their advertising reach but also their ability to collect, measure and analyze their ad data.

Qlik Cloud Data Services - Hybrid Data Delivery - Presentation and Demo - Do More with Qlik

This is a recording of the Do More with Qlik Webinar Series. To lead in the digital age, everyone in your business needs easy access to the latest and most accurate data. Join Mike Tarallo and Ola Mayer as they introduce you to Qlik’s vision for its integration platform as a service - Qlik Cloud Data Services, covering one of the first data services to be generally available - Hybrid Data Delivery. Hybrid Data Delivery lets you build a data pipeline to your Qlik Sense apps. It collects data from disparate sources and continuously delivers analytics ready data so your Qlik Sense apps always have the latest information.

WWDC 2021: Expectations vs. Reality - Recap discussion with iOS experts

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference happened between June 7- 11, and it kept the entire iOS developer community in constant buzz for weeks. On WWDC 2021, we got a first look at the latest Apple platforms, tools, and technologies, and we were thrilled to discuss all that happened with the iOS dev community!

Webinar: Getting the most out of Ghost Inspector

Here at Ghost Inspector even some of our power users will ask, "Am I using Ghost Inspector to its full potential?" Maybe Ghost Inspector is so easy to use that sometimes it can feel like it’s too easy? Join us for this webinar on June 24th where our founder Justin Klemm will be covering advanced use cases and best practices when it comes to getting the most out of Ghost Inspector. We’ll cover nooks and crannies of our features that you may have missed and help unlock Ghost Inspector to the max!

Get a Complete View of Salesforce Data with MongoDB

Teri will show you how you can incorporate Salesforce (relational data) into a MongoDB collection (non-relational data) to give your customers a unified customer experience. The webinar will focus on the piece of the puzzle where we read Salesforce data and format it into the shape needed to go into a Mongo collection (a collection is the term MongoDB uses for a data set like a table in a relational database). We’re showcasing the ability to go back and forth from NoSQL to SQL for a unified customer experience.

Build/Buy in MLOPs for R&D Does "off-the-shelf" exist yet?

What kind of tools and infrastructure does a company need in order to build, train, validate and maintain data-based models as part of products? The straight answer is - “it depends.” The longer one is: “MLOps.” It is far too early to determine the “best” patterns and workflows for Data-Science, Machine- and Deep-Learning products. Yet, there are numerous examples of successful deployments from businesses both big and small.