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A Brief History of Disastrous Game Launches - and How to Keep Your Title Off This List

This summer marks the 40th anniversary of one of the most beloved American films of all time, E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial. E.T. was by all accounts a smashing success to the tune of $800 Million at the box office and cemented Stephen Spielberg as one of the most talented young filmmakers in the world.

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Using Open Source for API Observability

API Observability isn't exactly new, however it's popularity has seen rapid growth in the past few years in terms of popularity. API Observability using open source is different from regular API monitoring, as it allows you to get deeper and extract more valuable insights. Although it takes a bit more effort to set up, once you've got an observability infrastructure running it can be immensely helpful not only in catching errors and making debugging easier, but also in finding areas that can be optimized.

Software Regression Testing Guide: Definitions, Tools and FAQs

In software testing, regression tests are a series of tests run right before releasing a new feature or update to make sure the critical functionalities of your software are still working. Regression testing is done to make sure a new build didn’t introduce bugs into other, existing features of your software.

The Various Facets of IoT Firmware Analysis

Firmware is a code or software on the device that allows and enables the device to perform various tasks. The most common architectures for IoT devices are ARM and MIPS. Firmware provides the necessary instructions on how to communicate with hardware. Firmware is held in non-volatile memory devices such as ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, and code running on embedded devices. Updates to Firmware: Firmware updates are often pushed to fix bugs, roll out new features, or improve security.

Cloud Migration - Security Risks and How to Mitigate Them

In the traditional data center model, customers have clear visibility over the various resources that are there at each location and have the proper segregation of roles and access controls to these resources as per the organizational business policies. While in cloud environments, customers lose some visibility of the resources due to a lack of a migration strategy and subsequent assignment of access controls for each resource and application, says, Chandrashekar Kodiguti, Senior Manager, Cigniti Technologies.

How to migrate to Kubernetes, with Carlos Ruiz Lantero (k6 Office Hours #55)

k6 Cloud Backend developer Carlos Ruiz Lantero joins Developer Advocates Nicole van der Hoeven and Paul Balogh to discuss how to migrate to Kubernetes. Carlos has been working on migrating k6 Cloud services from ECS to EKS, and in this video, he shares his best practices for migration and things he wishes he'd done differently.

Accelerating Releases with Quality: Contract Testing vs. E2E Functional Testing

Good API testing should give developers confidence that services will run and perform as expected in production. But how much contract testing vs. E2E functional testing is really needed for quality at speed? This blog was first published on September 9th, 2021. It has been updated with the most current information.

Becoming a Test Automation Engineer | Myths, Strategy & Plan

From prowling forums and boot camps, watching testing tools tutorials to choosing a programming language is all too familiar to test automation engineers. Automated testing or test automation has grown by leaps and bounds. The demand for test automation engineers is unsurprisingly high across industries, increasing the difficulty of staying competitive. Whether you’re a manual tester looking to grow or just interested in the automation tester career path, this comprehensive guide is for you.