Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

May 2024

The Essential Guide to Understanding Every API Type

APIs, or application programming interfaces, allow different software systems to communicate. But different types of APIs exist. Each type serves a different purpose. And each type has its own pros, cons, and use cases. This article breaks down the main API categories—open, partner, internal, and composite. We also discuss the types of APIs based on the protocols they use. At the end of this article, you can confidently choose the right one for your needs.

5 Key Data Governance Principles for Effective Data Management

Digitalization has led to more data collection, integral to many industries from healthcare diagnoses to financial transactions. For instance, hospitals use data governance practices to break siloed data and decrease the risk of misdiagnosis or treatment delays. Therefore, managing data to protect its integrity and security leads to high-quality, reliable data that empowers organizations to make informed decisions.

Data Science vs. Data Analytics: Key Differences

Organizations increasingly use data to gain a competitive edge. Two key disciplines have emerged at the forefront of this approach: data science and data analytics. While both fields help you extract insights from data, data analytics focuses more on analyzing historical data to guide decisions in the present. In contrast, data science enables you to create data-driven algorithms to forecast future outcomes. These disciplines differ significantly in their methodologies, tools, and outcomes.

Ensuring Precision: Software Testing for Nanotechnology Innovations in Healthcare and Life Sciences

While AI has garnered the attention of many industries, nanotechnology still has not lost its significance in healthcare and life sciences. Promising research continues to drive the exploration of nanotechnology for health and wellness applications. Yet, an often-overlooked element is the crucial role of software testing in this field.

A Complete Guide to Data Analytics

Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to draw conclusions about it. The process involves examining extensive data sets to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and other insights. With today’s technology, data analytics can go beyond traditional analysis, incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms that help process information faster than manual methods.