Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

May 2024

Simplify Brand Identity Management on Asgardeo with Branding AI

In today’s market, the power of a cohesive brand identity cannot be overstated. However, manually configuring consistent branding themes across multiple platforms can be a tedious process. That’s where Asgardeo’s new AI Branding feature comes in, offering a smarter way to align your digital identity in Asgardeo with your own brand.

Retail Media's Business Case for Data Clean Rooms Part 2: Commercial Models

In Part 1 of “Retail Media’s Business Case for Data Clean Rooms,” we discussed how to (1) assess your data assets and (2) define your data structures and permissions. Once you have a plan on paper, you can begin sizing the data clean room opportunity for your business.

Kong AI Gateway Goes GA, New Enterprise Capabilities Added

More easily manage AI spend, build AI agents and chatbots, get real-time AI responses, and ensure content safety We're introducing several new Kong AI Gateway capabilities in Kong Gateway 3.7 and Kong Gateway Enterprise 3.7, including enterprise-only and OSS improvements. Read on for a full rundown of the new AI-focused features.

Solving the Dual-Write Problem: Effective Strategies for Atomic Updates Across Systems

The dual-write problem occurs when two external systems must be updated in an atomic fashion. A classic example is updating an application’s database while pushing an event into a messaging system like Apache Kafka. If the database update succeeds but the write to Kafka fails, the system ends up in an inconsistent state. However, the dual-write problem isn’t unique to event-driven systems or Kafka. It occurs in many situations involving different technologies and architectures.

Transforming Enterprise Operations with Gen AI - MLOp Live #29 with McKinsey

In this webinar we discussed the transformative impact of gen AI on enterprise operations, spotlighting advancements across manufacturing, supply chain and procurement. We covered the main gen AI use cases, challenges to be mindful of during implementation and key learnings from client projects; highlighting three main pillars –people, processes and technology.

What's New in ThoughtSpot - 9.12 Cloud Release

ThoughtSpot Analytics Cloud 9.12 is now available! Drill, filter, customize charts, and verify formulas and SQL queries for AI answers without leaving the ThoughtSpot Sage experience Iteratively drill and auto-examine each attribute with SpotIQ Change Analysis for deeper insights Track your content's version history effortlessly using Git right within the ThoughtSpot UI.

Alternatives to Session-Based Test Management and how Xray Exploratory App fits

In our previous articles about exploratory testing, we focused on session-based test management (SBTM), one of the more popular approaches. SBTM aligns clearly with the Xray Exploratory App workflow and terminology. As a quick refresher, SBTM is a more structured technique for performing exploratory testing. The key idea is to organize delimited sessions which are uninterrupted blocks of reviewable, chartered test effort.

S1.E4: Handling risk as a team with risk-storming | QA Therapy Podcast

Worried that critical issues keep slipping through the cracks and reaching production? Fear not! In this episode, we're diving deep into risk-storming and adopting a risk-based approach in your projects, where testing plays a pivotal role. Today, we're joined by Chris Armstrong, our very own QA Therapist, who brings a wealth of experience to the table. Chris, a respected blogger and podcaster within the testing community, is a familiar face in groups like TestingPeers and 9 out of 10 testers.

Master Kotlin Enums: A Comprehensive Guide

In Kotlin, an enum (short for enumerator) is a special kind of predefined Kotlin data type used to store and represent a fixed set of named constant values, often simply referred to as constants. Each constant is an object, meaning they can have properties and methods, these are enums and are useful for representing elements that are fixed (for example days of the week) and don’t change.

Best Practices for Confluent Terraform Provider

Managing Confluent Cloud infrastructure efficiently poses challenges due to the complexities involved in deploying and maintaining various components like environments, clusters, topics, and authorizations. Without proper tooling and practices, teams struggle with manual configuration errors, lack of consistency, and potential security risks. The Confluent Terraform.