Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

May 2024

Federated Connectivity: Unlocking Data Silos with API Gateways

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts." Aristotle is credited with this quote, and it's true in the world of data. Legacy systems typically approached their role in a limited manner. Each system was intended to be used by a certain user set and handle well-defined processes and associated data. The result was a disintegrated environment with data being difficult to obtain, and frequently out of date. The parts couldn't easily cooperate to make a whole.

Rainforest QA vs. hiring a QA engineer

When you’re ready to make the transition from manual testing to test automation, it’s natural to consider hiring. A QA engineer — who has the technical skills to write and maintain automated tests in an open-source framework — can take the burden of end-to-end test management off of your development team, allowing them to ship more code, faster. But hiring a good QA engineer is — often prohibitively — expensive.

Impact of AI on #SoftwareTesting: Are Testers Ready? | #QonfX 2024

Join industry experts Rahul Verma, Navin Nair, Nagabhushan Ramappa, and our amazing host Balaji Ponnada in an insightful panel discussion on "AI's Impact on Testing, Tester Roles, and Tester Readiness." In this session, the panelists discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized software testing, sharing the complexities and opportunities of AI-driven testing environments. Through real-world examples and interactive discussion, they explore the changing role of testers in the AI era and provide valuable insights into the future of software testing.

GitTogether | GitOps Dynamics: Navigating the new era of DevOps! | Megha Kaur

GitOps enhances the DevOps experience/process. My talk is based on GitOps. I will be explaining GitOps workflow, its use cases and how companies can incorporate GitOps in their organization. I will share my experience on how I started using GitOps and what problems it is solving. I will be giving a small demo on GitOps concept to show how deployment can be done with the use of GitOps in Kubernetes. This will help developers, organization and each individual.

How to Achieve Enterprise Continuous Testing With Perforce

In the age of digital transformation, enterprise continuous testing has become critical for agile and efficient software development. But enterprises often spend too much time managing a multitude of solutions and integrations with zero cohesion between solutions and an inability to gain clear insights. It takes so much time to manage the areas around testing that there is little time for the most important part — the testing itself.

Introducing Choreo Copilot

We're excited to introduce Choreo Copilot (preview), which allows you to interact with Choreo. You can pose questions in natural language and Copilot will provide answers. Choreo Copilot enables you to grasp Choreo concepts, teaches you how to perform tasks in Choreo, and provides guidance when you encounter obstacles. Copilot is familiar with APIs in Choreo’s internal marketplace. Choreo already features an AI capability that enables API testing through natural language.