
Caching in Laravel with Redis: a complete guide

Laravel is a web application framework built with PHP. It’s a framework that uses providers and dependency injections for code organization. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks, which helps in creating a web application. Thus, the application is designed to be more structured and pragmatic.

How To Choose The Right Database For Your Organization

A database is a critical piece of software for any organization. It stores data and allows users to access and modify it as needed. Many different databases are available, like AWS' Amazon RDS or Microsoft's Azure, so deciding which is suitable for your organization can be challenging. This article will discuss the different kinds of databases and help you choose the right database for your needs.

How to source data from AWS DynamoDB to Confluent using the DynamoDB CDC Source Connector

This is a one-minute video showing an animated architectural diagram of the integration between Amazon DynamoDB and Confluent Cloud using the all new, fully managed DynamoDB CDC Source connector. This real-time data pipeline doesn’t require you to write or maintain code.

Automatic APIs With PostgREST for PostgreSQL

Storing information in a relational database and sharing it via a RESTful API is a very common scenario these days. Depending on your RDBMS (relational database management system), this may take a lot of development effort. One solution that attempts to simplify the process is the PostgREST web server add-on for PostgreSQL. If your organization uses the PostgreSQL database, PostgREST quickly adds basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functions in an easy-to-use RESTful HTTP interface.

How to Improve API Flexibility with Custom SQL Endpoints

DreamFactory's custom SQL endpoints let you create APIs that are tailored to your exact needs, making your data more flexible and powerful. In this article, we will show you how to set up these endpoints, provide practical examples, and explain how to connect endpoints to your external systems.

Dealing with MySQL Lock Timeouts: Bail faster

When using MySQL and InnoDB you will inevitably run into lock timeouts sometime, somewhere. We have recently started seeing this with some of our Shopware 6 customers in their storefronts or worker queues, so I was reminded to go back to 2017 in our codebase when we put a fix in place. In our case, this happened on tables that were constantly written to from many different sources in the code base.

Grokking DynamoDB with TypeScript

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by AWS. It is highly available, scalable, and a great fit for applications that need to handle large amounts of data with low latency. DynamoDB is a key-value document database, meaning that it is schema-less and can store any kind of data. It is also a serverless service, so you don’t have to worry about managing and scaling servers. In this take, we will model data in DynamoDB using TypeScript.