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How to Evaluate Call Quality via Mean Opinion Score (MOS)

If you often have to attend online calls (VoIP), most likely you’ve noticed that the audio/video quality is not always stable, and can vary widely depending on the platform used. These platforms want their calls to be as high in quality as possible, but how can the quality be measured and how can we define good quality? We need a way to directly compare the audio and video quality across different calls or even between various platforms.

Measure Rendering Metrics and Maintain Seamless Visuals

Visual glitches frustrate users and put the reputation of your business at risk. When people interact with an app, they expect a seamless experience. But when frame rates drop, scrolling becomes jittery, or screens freeze, frustration sets in – causing users to abandon your app and take their business elsewhere. SmartBear Insight Hub empowers developers to create high-quality user experiences on their applications. Performance monitoring is a key part of this process.

How to achieve reliable realtime for live, digital fan experiences

Fandom is now global. And the extraordinary opportunity that presents is balanced by the demands that fan expectations place on your digital platform. No matter where they are–front-row seats or five timezones away–people engage with your fan experience to enjoy an immersive, immediate experience. However, as more fans take part, you might find that your platform hits a reliability and scale ceiling.

Building Smarter Developer AI Agents: QA Automation for Seamless Next-Gen Software Evolution

AI code generation is at a Pareto threshold. The first 80%—writing simple, functional snippets—is relatively straightforward. But the last 20%? That’s where it gets tricky. Building resilient, adaptable systems isn’t just a technical hurdle; it’s a leap of imagination and engineering, similar to the journey toward self-driving cars. Remember when everyone thought fully autonomous vehicles were “just around the corner”?

AI Regulation: More an Adoption Accelerator Than a Brake

The emergence and growing adoption of generative AI and the agreement to and implementation of the EU AI Act uncannily coincided. These two factors have catalyzed an AI renaissance within many enterprises. Yes, companies were already applying AI here and there across their organizations — but responding to the impact of these two exogenous forces required a whole new way of thinking and doing. All of a sudden, all eyes were on AI.