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Handling Exceptions in Grape for Ruby

Grape is a popular Ruby framework for building RESTful APIs. Exception handling plays a crucial role in ensuring the stability and reliability of any application, including those made with Grape. This article will explore the basics of Grape exception handling, including customizing exceptions. We'll also touch on some best practices, and how to integrate your app with AppSignal for enhanced error monitoring and management. Let's get started!

5 Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Web Design Students

Beginning a career in web design is like setting out on an unforgettable voyage. Your creativity combined with computer knowledge can result in stunning online creations as you use Chrome extensions to your advantage. Like any journey worth undertaking, web designing requires specific tools for success in order for students to thrive while staying entertained throughout.

The Rainforest Method: 5 essential QA testing best practices

Over a decade of helping startups improve quality, we’ve arrived at a set of QA testing best practices that work for teams shipping fast and frequently. They fit neatly into five organizing principles: Together, these principles represent The Rainforest Method. We’ve built our QA solution to make it easy for you to put this software testing method into practice and develop a quality product. A few notes: Contents Toggle.

Why should you choose a Test Management tool that integrates natively with Jira?

With the ever-increasing pressure to release faster and better due to the growing user expectations about quality, reliability, and zero tolerance for defects, effective test management in the development of applications has never been so critical. Xray is a Jira-native application designed to streamline test management processes within your project management tool.

Download a file from SharePoint with the API

Many organizations are turning to SharePoint to store their files and share documents. Allowing your systems to access these files might seem like a challenge at first, but with the help of the Microsoft Graph API, you can quickly download the file to start processing on your back-end. Download the example solution to get started. Use the created functions in your solution to simplify Microsoft Graph integration.

JMeter JMesPath Extractor

Extracting values from server responses is a common operation in scripting scenarios for performance testing. In most cases it is a mandatory step in order to reproduce realistic traffic using dynamic values generated on server side like sessionIds or Tokens. The most known way to extract values is using regular expression. While regular expressions are efficient for raw text-based responses, they are less efficient for structured responses like XML or JSON.