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Think you need a data lakehouse?

In our Data Lake vs Data Warehouse blog, we explored the differences between two of the leading data management solutions for enterprises over the last decade. We highlighted the key capabilities of data lakes and data warehouses with real examples of enterprises using both solutions to support data analytics use cases in their daily operations.

Feature-bundling for the Save: Why a Data Point-based Invoice Makes Sense

Many a time, the choosing of a product analytics vendor can be quite an ordeal because there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The technical factors such as tech stack compatibility and integrations with the product have to be balanced with the financial health of the business. You need to find the sweet spot between where you need to go and how much money you actually have to get there.

Data Storytelling

One of the main challenges of analytics is making it accessible to more than just trained experts within an organization. Not everyone is data literate to the degree they need to be able to consume, understand, and action data on a dashboard. Dashboards on their own are very data rich, but many critical events and influences behind the numbers can't be captured, and actions taken that impacted the numbers are simply not reportable; as a result, the data only tells you half the story.

The CIO's Future Vision for the Digital Core - Adopting Application-First Infrastructure

Amid the rapid pace of change felt by organizations this year, it’s no surprise that digital transformation projects have been high on the agenda for CIOs across the globe. To achieve both their organizational and transformation goals and become digitally agile as a result, CIOs are often tasked with creating the conditions needed to enable an intelligent and flexible digital core.

New Snowflake Features Released in June and July 2021

Building on the announcements made at this year’s Summit, Snowflake has released a number of new enhancements, especially in the areas of data programmability, global governance, and data sharing. Read on to learn more. For additional details and to see some of these new capabilities in action, be sure to check out the on-demand sessions from Summit.

Data management is ALL THE RAGE!

Everyone wants to manage their data, and if it’s a feature store, even better! But for optimal data management, we must first discuss lightweight zero upfront setup costs and maximizing utility with ClearML-data. ClearML-data mimics the light weightiness of git for data (who doesn’t know git?) and gives it a spin. It is an open-source dataset management tool which is extremely efficient and conveys how we view DataOps and its distinction from git-like solutions, including.

Why You Need a REST API

Imagine you were suddenly transported to a foreign city where you don’t speak the language—in fact, every person you encounter speaks a different language, and you aren’t even sure which one they are. That’s the situation faced by many developers and users today as they try to integrate different software and systems. One of the greatest challenges of modern computing is its complexity.

How to set up advertising analytics in 8 easy steps

The trouble with marketing initiatives is that it is almost impossible to tell how they impacted the business’s bottom line. As the marketing pioneer John Wanamaker said: A person scrolling through Twitter on their mobile app might have seen your ad, loved your brand, and then logged into their desktop to purchase your product. The gap between needs generated by marketing spans across marketing channels and time.