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5 Prerequisites to Consider While Building Trustworthy AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at a breakneck pace, and it is swiftly emerging as a potential disruptor and vital enabler for almost every business in every sector. At this point, the technology itself is not a barrier to the mainstream use of AI; rather, it a collection of challenges that, unfortunately, are far more human, such as ethics, governance, and human values, are.

Snowflake's Retail Data Cloud

The retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry is experiencing a global shift in how consumers, retailers, and brands interact. Long-term trends such as digitization and e-commerce, higher customer expectations, and supply chain transformation are accelerating. Businesses with a strong data foundation are rapidly adapting, and launching new digital capabilities and services.

What is continuous deployment?

After working on a new feature or an improvement, it's normal that you want to deliver these changes to your users as fast as possible. Depending on your deployment pipeline, confidently deploying changes to production might include coordinating with whoever is leading on-call, getting their approval, manually deploying your changes, spending hours to monitor how it goes, and performing a rollback in case something goes wrong.

Top 5 iOS App Testing Frameworks

Learn about the top test automation frameworks for testing iOS apps, including the benefits and advantages of each plus sample code. A huge number of mobile testing tools have been developed in recent years to support mobile development in response to the explosive growth of the mobile app and device market in recent years. When it comes to choosing what mobile test automation framework is right for you, there is a huge array of options, each with different strengths and weaknesses.

Unit Testing vs End-To-End Testing - Key Differences in 2022

Before designing a holistic testing strategy for an application, the first question that comes to mind is which testing strategy to use. The two most important and widely used testing strategies are Unit testing and end-to-end testing. To decide which one to use, it’s important to understand their key differences. Unit testing is a testing strategy where we test individual units of the application code.

38 Best CI/CD tools In 2022

There has been widespread adoption of CI/CD tools to streamline software development and testing processes in recent years. 47% of DevOps teams say they have fully automated their testing journey in 2022, a feat most significant to enumerate the importance of automation to optimize resource usage. This trend has driven 35% of developers to release codes twice as fast, facilitating higher revenues and better effort utilization.

6 Important Questions to Ask Before Choosing Your Web Host Provider

In this digital age, a company website is a sine qua non for most successful businesses. Your company website gives the ever-crucial first impression to your potential customers. Well, the experience your consumers will have will depend on the web hosting service you pick. A good web hosting provider will do heavy lifting for you. However, the plethora of reputable web hosting services in the market can make it hard to decide which one would best suit your company. It calls for careful research and consideration to select the best fit for your website.

How to use Google Sheets for data analysis with ThoughtSpot

Businesses have been scaling rapidly in the cloud, driven by the pandemic and lured by the promise of agility and flexibility. But here’s a dirty little secret anyone who works in data knows. Despite the value of the cloud, tons of data hasn’t made it there. So, where is it? Spreadsheets. Still the stalwart workhorse, hero, and bane of the business world. We all love how Google revolutionized this world by bringing spreadsheets to the cloud.

Using Apache Solr REST API in CDP Public Cloud

The Apache Solr cluster is available in CDP Public Cloud, using the “Data exploration and analytics” data hub template. In this article we will investigate how to connect to the Solr REST API running in the Public Cloud, and highlight the performance impact of session cookie configurations when Apache Knox Gateway is used to proxy the traffic to Solr servers. Information in this blog post can be useful for engineers developing Apache Solr client applications.

Demo: Unravel Data - Keep Cloud Data Budgets on Track (Automatically)

Data teams need to be able to set cloud data budgets at a specific scope - and know if your various teams or departments are tracking to those budgets. But today, most data teams only know that the budget was overrun after it’s too late. With Unravel, establishing and tracking budgets to prevent overruns is easy.