Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


How to Own That New State-of-the-Art Model Repo!

Deep learning has evolved in the past five years from an academic research domain, to being adopted, integrated and leveraged for new dimensions of productivity across multiple industries and use cases, such as medical imaging, surveillance, IoT, chatbots, robotic,s and many more. From NLP to computer vision, deep learning has been breaking the barriers of SOTA algorithms and providing results that were, otherwise, impossible to achieve.

Cost Optimization on Microsoft Azure

Do you use big data and streaming services - such as Azure HDInsight, Databricks, and Kafka/EventHubs? Do you have on-premises big data that you want to move to Azure? Keeping costs down in Microsoft Azure is difficult, but vital. Join Chris Santiago of Unravel Data and explore how to to reduce, manage, and allocate streaming data and big data costs in Azure.

3 life-changing tips for Flutter apps on Bitrise | MATTHEW R. JONES

3 life-changing tips for Flutter apps on Bitrise, featuring Matthew R. Jones, Senior Customer Engineer at Bitrise. Bitrise is a Continous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Platform as a Service (PaaS) with a main focus on mobile app development (iOS, Android). ‎ Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

How to Use the Javascript Debugger

As developers, we’ve traditionally rooted out errors in our programs (we’ll call them bugs from now on if that’s ok) by using meaningful log statements. JavaScript has the famous console.log() method for that. But while log statements are good, they are less efficient than a tool that enables you to carry out step-by-step debugging. So in this article, we will learn how to use Google Chrome developer tools (also known as DevTools) to debug any JavaScript application effortlessly.

Extreme data center pressure? Burst to the cloud with CDP!

Here at Cloudera, we’ve seen many large organizations struggle to meet ever-changing and ever-growing business demands. We see it everywhere. Traditional on-premise architectures, which create a fixed, finite set of resources, forces every business request for new insight to be a crazy resource balancing act, coupled with long wait times, or a straight-up no, it cannot be done.

Spark's Cloud Migration Journey with Snowflake

Peter Langham - Domain Chapter Lead, Data Engineering and Data Science will discuss why Spark decided to move their data and analytics capability to the cloud, the benefits achieved and how Snowflake Cloud Data Platform has enabled them to be more data driven, deliver faster and improve analytic output across the business.

Kong Presents on Amazon Web Service's APN TV

Kong is excited to participate in Amazon Web Service’s (AWS) APN TV pilot program. This series of demonstration videos from AWS partners focuses on modern application development through the practice of DevOps – a perfect fit for Kong’s service connectivity platform. Microservice architecture involves building software as suites of collaborating services.

Bitrise User Group #6 - Getting started with Bitrise | WEBINAR

Do you need guidance on how to get started with Bitrise? Watch this virtual meetup featuring mobile developer Alex Logan, Vladimir Ivanov, and Wisdom Nwokocha. 📺 Bitrise Users from all around the world come together to learn, teach, and connect with each other! Bitrise User Groups (or BUGs) are live meetups where Bitrise users share knowledge, best practices, and ideas with each other. Check out our other videos!