Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


An expert's perspective on succeeding with mobile banking and finance in MEA

To dive deeper into some of the findings of our recent fintech mobile report, we reached out to banking and finance professionals in a series of conversations. We explored region-specific challenges and how different institutions keep up with the industry’s increasingly mobile-first direction.

Audio Classification with PyTorch's Ecosystem Tools

Audio signals are all around us. As such, there is an increasing interest in audio classification for various scenarios, from fire alarm detection for hearing impaired people, through engine sound analysis for maintenance purposes, to baby monitoring. Though audio signals are temporal in nature, in many cases it is possible to leverage recent advancements in the field of image classification and use popular high performing convolutional neural networks for audio classification.

How-to: Index Data from S3 via NiFi Using CDP Data Hubs

Data Discovery and Exploration (DDE) was recently released in tech preview in Cloudera Data Platform in public cloud. In this blog we will go through the process of indexing data from S3 into Solr in DDE with the help of NiFi in Data Flow. The scenario is the same as it was in the previous blog but the ingest pipeline differs. Spark as the ingest pipeline tool for Search (i.e.

Accelerate your Hyperparameter Optimization with PyTorch's Ecosystem Tools

The design and training of neural networks are still challenging and unpredictable procedures. The difficulty of tuning these models makes training and reproducing more of an art than a science, based on the researcher’s knowledge and experience. One of the reasons for this difficulty is that the training procedure of machine learning models includes multiple hyperparameters that affect how the training process fits the model to the data.

AI, ML and ROI - Why your balance sheet cares about your technology choices

Much has been written on the growth of machine learning and its impact on almost every industry. As businesses continue to evolve and digitally transform, it’s become an imperative for businesses to include AI and ML in their strategic plans in order to remain competitive. In Competing in the Age of AI, Harvard professors Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani illustrate how this can be confounding for CEOs, especially in the face of AI-powered competition.

Building a unit testing suite with XCTest, Swift, and Bitrise

For example, let’s say that an app that we’re working on supports multiple themes, and that we’re keeping track of the user’s currently selected theme (and other user-configurable settings) through a SettingsController — which in turn uses Foundation’s UserDefaults API to persist those settings, like this.

The Application of External Data in Everyday Life | Rise of the Data Cloud

In Part 2 of this episode, Jennifer Forrester deep dives into the value and application of external data. She talks about how data warehouses help real estate developers, telecom companies, and city planners look at traffic patterns to help determine public and product demands. Rise of the Data Cloud is brought to you by Snowflake.