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How to Resolve Mobile App Test Failures and Errors Faster

Learn how using a real device cloud can help resolve mobile app test errors and help teams streamline debugging. The content of this post is excerpted from the Sauce Labs webinar Resolve Mobile App Test Failures and Errors Faster with Kristian DeVito, Senior Solution Engineer at Sauce Labs. Bad customer experiences on mobile apps are costly—faced with crashes, freezes, or wait times, frustrated users will abandon brands, share negative reviews, or even simply uninstall the app.

9 Best Test Data Management Tools to use in 2022 & beyond

One of the most critical components of software development is test data! Without test data, it’s just not possible to deliver any software that meets customer’s expectations. Test data ensures software’s security, integrity, and compliance. Since it plays a crucial role, it’s important to have an appropriate framework to handle it. That’s why we have crafted this post for you, listing the best test data management tools.

Top 5 Ways Data Insights Can Transform the Insurance Industry

According to a McKinsey report, companies making intensive use of customer analytics are 2.6 times more likely to have a significantly higher ROI than their competitors. Intensive users of customer analytics are 23 times more likely to outperform their competitors in terms of new customer acquisition than non-intensive users, and 9 times more likely to surpass them in customer loyalty.

What's New In Loadero (November 2022)

Recent months were very busy for our team and some exciting new releases are coming soon. Meanwhile, in this post, we’re sharing updates to Loadero that took place in November 2022. There are some updates to our API, to the way Loadero works with test run artifacts in the results reports, new browser versions, and the Loadero Python client that we were developing for quite a long time and finally are happy to offer to our users along with examples of using it for storing test data in Github.

Why automated functional testing is crucial to modern QA

There’s no successful dev cycle without ensuring functionality, and QA has been integral to functional testing since the dawn of software. Traditionally, functional testing meant human testers running smoke and regression tests, but wielding automated functional testing can help teams keep up with the competition and bring QA into a modern CI/CD pipeline.

Top 9 DevOps Automation Tools to look out for in 2022 & beyond

A software development life cycle has expanded with multiple additions in the past years. As the complexities of the software have grown, so has the method of developing, testing, and releasing it to the end-users. Starting with automating testing and then moving on to development, a need to automate the process between these two helped speed things up faster and do a lot of the heavy stuff automatically.