Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Future Product Analytics

In our data-driven world, the landscape of product analytics is rapidly evolving. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), we're seeing a seismic shift in how businesses approach product development and enhancement. But how does AI and ML fit into product analytics, particularly for non-technical business leaders and marketers? And more importantly, what does this mean for the future? ‍

Software Testing Jobs on 6th July | Automation Tester Vacancies | Curated Job Openings for QAs

This video is an top resource that provides you with the latest job opportunities in the software testing and quality assurance (QA) industry. It allows you to stay up-to-date with the rapidly changing technological landscape by exploring exciting career prospects in both manual and automation testing. Given the high demand for qualified software testers, now is an excellent time to enhance your career prospects.

Fivetran Demo: Elevate Your HubSpot Email Marketing Campaign with Fivetran and Sigma Computing

Identify your next best HubSpot email marketing campaign with all clicks, no code. Powered by Fivetran's HubSpot connector and Quickstart data model, visualized with Sigma Computing's HubSpot Campaign Analysis Template.

Stateful vs. Stateless Web App Design

The difference between stateful and stateless applications is essential when developing APIs. However, if you’re not a developer who’s working with stateful and stateless systems, you might not fully understand these concepts. More importantly, you may not know why stateless REST APIs are so essential to building scalable web applications? Here are the key takeaways to know about stateful vs. stateless apps: Table of Contents.

What Are Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: ADAS Overview

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) help improve the safety of everyone in the car to help them arrive safely at their destination. These technological features are essential as the majority of serious car accidents are due to human error. Here we discuss what are advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), provide examples of advanced driver assistance systems, and what coding standards are essential to the development of advanced driver assistance systems.

Top 5 Python Web Frameworks: Unlocking the Power of Python for Web Development

Welcome to the exciting world of Python web frameworks. Python, which is known for its simplicity and readability, has gained immense popularity in web development. But what exactly are Python web frameworks, and why do you need them? If you’re a developer – or an aspiring one – settle in and read on.

A Comprehensive QA Checklist For Websites And Software

Web testing can sometimes be complicated considering the wide variety of factors involved. QA teams always need to develop a detailed test plan to guide the testing project, but it gets overwhelming quickly if they don’t have a comprehensive view over what needs to be tested. With a good QA checklist, the team can: In this article, we’ll provide you with the ultimate website QA checklist to help you thoroughly plan your web testing initiative from start to finish.

3 fundamentals for building realtime updates in sports, media, and entertainment apps

At first glance, sports fans, news geeks, and pop culture enthusiasts seem largely dissimilar. Often, as a result, the apps that serve these groups are largely different – with a sports app comparing the stats of different athletes and a celebrity news app sharing video interviews and gossip. But when these seemingly different users log on to these different apps, they’ll likely all expect the same thing: A fresh update published mere seconds after they opened the app.

Building realtime experiences with Amazon Aurora

Aurora is a managed database service from Amazon compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL. It allows for the use of existing MySQL code, tools, and applications and can offer increased performance for certain workloads compared to MySQL and PostgreSQL. Being an AWS product, it benefits from the range of tools and services available on AWS, with simple integrations for analytics and processing. Having all of these tools available makes building larger projects easier and quicker.

Airbyte vs. Talend: Pros & Cons Comparison

In today's data-driven business environment, organizations must find ways to manage and integrate vast amounts of data from diverse sources. Data integration platforms offer a solution that leads to streamlined data operations. Airbyte and Talend have ETL features that make them useful for moving data from multiple sources to a database, data lake, or data warehouse. However, they have some functionality and pricing differences that should influence your decision.

Multithreading with Worker Threads in Node.js

The beauty of Node is that while the main event loop runs in a single thread, some expensive tasks are automatically offloaded to a separate worker pool. These include the I/O-intensive DNS and File System (except fs.FSWatcher()) APIs, as well as the CPU-intensive Crypto and Zlib APIs. All these have a synchronous variation which will block the main thread. This is generally how Node accomplishes concurrency while running on a single thread.