Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

Types of APIs & Popular REST API Protocol

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are everywhere, and with good reason. These bits of software join apps and microservices together despite different programming languages, operating systems, and data formats. An API can integrate services that otherwise can’t communicate with each other. They lay the groundwork for the most successful digital transformation strategies and composable enterprises.

Simple REST API Creation for Data Distribution

This is a short, real-world example of how a REST API can be created using Linx. The API will allow for data retrieval from a database. You can create endpoints using a wizard. Linx is a general-purpose, low-code platform for backends. Developers use Linx to build, test, deploy and manage backend solutions such as APIs, integrations and automation.

From Excel to API in minutes

Read data from an Excel file and host that data in a REST API in minutes by using a low-code platform. You can create your own application that will retrieve data from any Excel file. Easily write that data to a new file, apply enrichment and transformation, write it to a database or host it directly on a REST API. How to quickly create an API? Or an integration application? Why not give Low-Code platforms a try?

The Fool-Proof Guide to Retesting vs Regression Testing

Because retesting and regression testing have many similarities, it’s easy to get them mixed up. Both are software testing methods used to maintain the usability of a website or web app, and both involve testing your software repeatedly. Thankfully, there are some key differences between the two that are easy to remember when learning how to distinguish one from the other. Read on for a simple breakdown of retesting vs regression testing, so you never end up confusing them again.

The Future of API Gateways on Kubernetes

The exponential growth of the Internet and cloud computing has given rise to applications that are smaller, more distributed, and designed for highly dynamic environments capable of rapidly scaling up or down as needed. These applications have pushed the demand for modern API management product architectures that can leverage cloud native capabilities to achieve scalability, resilience, agility, and cost efficiency.

Why low latency is essential for sports, media, and entertainment companies trying to deliver realtime updates at scale

Latency is a technical term that, even for the people who use it every day, tends to feel abstract. When a metric calls for measurement by the millisecond, it’s easy to forget just how valuable each millisecond is. But if your application promises to deliver realtime updates – especially in the sports, media, and entertainment industries – low latency has to become a high priority and the experience your users have with latency needs to be vivid.

How does the Partnership Between Cigniti and Leapwork Empower Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) Clients

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a leading enterprise application suite that empowers businesses to streamline operations, optimize customer engagement, and drive growth. It offers CRM, ERP, human resources, finance, sales, and marketing modules, providing organizations with a unified platform to manage processes and make informed decisions. With its cloud-based architecture, Dynamics 365 offers scalability, flexibility, and seamless integration with other Microsoft solutions like Office 365 and Azure.

Healthcare leader uses AI insights to boost data pipeline efficiency

One of the largest health insurance providers in the United States uses Unravel to ensure that its business-critical data applications are optimized for performance, reliability, and cost in its development environment—before they go live in production. Data and data-driven statistical analysis have always been at the core of health insurance.

Monetizing APIs: Accelerate Growth and Relieve Strain on Your Engineers

APIs have become increasingly popular in the current SaaS ecosystem due to their ability to seamlessly integrate software systems. APIs provide standardized ways for applications to share data. API monetization is a powerful way for businesses to drive growth and generate revenue from existing API consumer data and usage. By offering your APIs as products or services, your company can tap into new markets, attract more developers, and create self-sustaining ecosystems around your product line.

Cloudera Data Catalog | Data Stewardship, Data Lakes, & GDPR in Pharma

Explore the captivating world of Data Stewardship with a focus on Cloudera's Data Catalog. In this friendly and professional session, our esteemed speaker, Hemanth, will share his expertise and knowledge to foster collaboration and discussion among participants, as we delve into the intricacies of Data Lakes and GDPR compliance within the Pharma industry. During this interactive session, Hemanth will expertly guide participants through key concepts related to Cloudera Data Catalog, including.