Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

Multithreading with Worker Threads in Node.js

The beauty of Node is that while the main event loop runs in a single thread, some expensive tasks are automatically offloaded to a separate worker pool. These include the I/O-intensive DNS and File System (except fs.FSWatcher()) APIs, as well as the CPU-intensive Crypto and Zlib APIs. All these have a synchronous variation which will block the main thread. This is generally how Node accomplishes concurrency while running on a single thread.

Key Takeaways on Generative AI for CEOs: Revolutionizing Business with Speed and Trust

Generative AI stands out from other technological breakthroughs due to its remarkable velocity and unprecedented speed. In a matter of mere months since its initial emergence in the limelight, this cutting-edge innovation has already achieved scalability, aiming to attain substantial return on investment. However, it is imperative to effectively harness this formidable technology, ensuring that it can deploy on a large scale and yield outcomes that garner trust from your business stakeholders.

Ultimate log4j Tutorial for Java Logging - Best Practices, Resources and Tips

Logging plays a critical role in every application. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use Apache Log4j 2.x and highlight best practices that can help you in getting started and improve logging capabilities. Additionally, we’ll discuss various key features and improvements of Log4j 2.x over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x.

How to Catch All Exceptions in C# & Find All Application Errors

Exception handling is a critical component of every software application. The last thing you want your users to see is errors, or even worse, your application crashing. In this article, we will discuss how to find and catch all exceptions in C# applications. .NET provides several different ways to catch exceptions and view unhandled exceptions. Topics in this article.

Choosing the Perfect Test Strategy: An In-Depth Evaluation of Different Patterns | Monika Sharma |

In this insightful video, Monika Sharma, a highly experienced software testing professional, shares her expertise on evaluating different test strategy patterns. Monika takes viewers through a comprehensive exploration of various test strategy patterns commonly used in software testing. Whether you're a testing professional or someone interested in learning about effective test strategy design, this video offers valuable insights and practical guidance.

A Deep Dive into Mutations with Absinthe

In the last two posts of this series, we saw how easy it is to integrate Absinthe into your app to provide a GraphQL API for querying data. We also shared some useful tips for building and maintaining large schemas and optimizing queries. This post will show how we can provide an API to create GraphQL mutations with Absinthe for Elixir. Let's get started!

Keboola Rocks the Stage with 18 Badges in G2's Summer 2023 Grid Report!

The moment has come! G2 honored Keboola with 18 badges, including 'Leader' and 'Easiest To Use,' in different data management categories in their Summer 2023 Grid report. We're humbled to once again be recognized as leaders in these domains. As we bask in the spotlight, we’re thrilled to see the respect and recognition our product has garnered.