Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

What's new in Tricentis NeoLoad 2023.2: Enhanced granularity, productivity, and stability for RealBrowser

We are very excited to introduce Tricentis NeoLoad 2023.2! This release underscores our focus and commitment to continuously improving our browser-based performance capabilities with new functionality and additional improvements for RealBrowser.

How to Evolve Your Power BI Solution With Yellowfin

Microsoft Power BI is a ubiquitous and cheap to start with business intelligence (BI) tool that can create a good foundation for analytics capabilities at any company. Similar to Tableau, the objective is to create broad adoption within an organization and replace Excel with a more powerful and structured tool.

SaaS in 60 - Business Glossary Terms Linked to Master Items

This week we have added a welcomed improvement to the Business Glossary available in Qlik Cloud. The Business Glossary improves internal communication and eliminates confusion by ensuring that the same business terminology is used across the entire organization. Terms that are defined in a Business Glossary can now be linked to Measures and Dimensions in the Master Items library ensuring consistency. AND once defined this information is available for users to view and access directly from the information pop up windows either in edit more or in analysis mode. Streamlining data-based decisions by eliminating misunderstandings due to competing terminologies or inconsistencies between technology definitions and business language.

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Practices in WSO2 Choreo

MLOps also known as Machine Learning Operations is a core function of Machine Learning engineering, focused on streamlining the process of taking machine learning models to production, and then maintaining and monitoring them. MLOps is a collaborative function, often comprising data scientists, devops engineers, and IT. In this video, you can learn about the basics of MLOps and its applications in Choreo.

Types of APIs & Popular REST API Protocol

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are everywhere, and with good reason. These bits of software join apps and microservices together despite different programming languages, operating systems, and data formats. An API can integrate services that otherwise can’t communicate with each other. They lay the groundwork for the most successful digital transformation strategies and composable enterprises.