Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

Cracking the Test Mystery: Understanding Flaky Tests | Cristiano Cunha | #softwaretesting #testing

In this informative video, Cristiano Cunha, an experienced software testing professional, unravels the concept of "flaky tests" and their impact on test automation. Cristiano delves into the definition of flaky tests, discussing why they are considered a challenge in the testing world. Whether you're a software tester or test automation enthusiast, this video provides valuable insights into the world of flaky tests and equips you with the knowledge to tackle this common issue.

Episode 2: Live Observability (SD Times Microwebinars)

In the first episode, we will discuss the fourth pillar of Observability and how Snapshots are so much better than logs. One of the big benefits of Snapshots in particular and agile Observability in general is that you can adapt your Observability in real-time without requiring code changes or redeployments.

Multi-branch Pipeline with Argo Workflows and CI/CD Debugging - Gosha Dozoretz (CNCF Israel)

Abstract: Coming to the office has become deprecated, hasn’t it? A hallway conversion with developer colleagues about migration to kubernetes native CI/CD, led to a feature request they are already using - multi-branch pipeline. Argo Workflow does not support it natively.

How to use Selenium IDE with Ghost Inspector

Selenium IDE is a popular open-source tool for recording and running automated browser tests. You can use it to interact with a browser the way a human would, doing things like navigating to URLs, filling in forms, and clicking on links and buttons. You can also use “assertions” to verify things are working as expected, like checking that elements are present, text is present, inputs contain certain values, et cetera.

Salesforce Data Integration

Salesforce has become an indispensable tool for managing customer relationships in various organizations. But did you know that by syncing Salesforce data with other platforms and feeding data into Salesforce, your organization can develop a more complete view of your customers? This is where the concept of Salesforce data integration comes into play, enabling your team to act on valuable insights swiftly.

Understanding SOAP Security

Cybersecurity is one of the top concerns for businesses today. Vulnerabilities make the news when they turn into expensive breaches. With the cloud so prevalent in today’s digital landscape, much attention has turned to API security. Network attacks aimed at APIs increased by an incredible 681% in 2021. Considering the continued popularity of SOAP (simple object access protocol) APIs, it is now a top priority for global IT leaders to learn SOAP’s security best practices.

7 Key Features Enabling EHR Interoperability

Electronic Health Records (EHR) Interoperability facilitates the seamless sharing of Electronic Health Information (EHI) among various systems and stakeholders, promoting patient empowerment. This feature transforms healthcare from a hospital-centric model to a patient-centric approach, emphasizing prevention, care management, and the efficient utilization of information and technology.

Understanding the Elasticsearch Query DSL: A Quick Introduction

Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine that excels at handling large volumes of data in real time. When we have such a large repository of data, singling out the most suitable context can be a grueling task. And precisely that’s why we query. Querying allows us to search and retrieve relevant data from the Elasticsearch index with relative ease. Elasticsearch uses query DSL for this purpose. Query DSL is a powerful tool for executing such types of search queries.