Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Bitrise for Indie Developers | A walkthrough by Kevin Toms

If you are an indie developer working on mobile apps, you have plenty of challenges to look out for on top of creating a great app. Bitrise can help with these and other challenges through the Bitrise CI/CD cloud-based platform and its integrations with other systems and tools. Kevin Toms, Developer Advocate is here to guide you through the whole process of using Bitrise if you are an indie developer.

Iguazio Product tutorial 2021

The Iguazio Data Science Platform enables you to develop, deploy and manage real-time AI applications at scale. It provides data science, data engineering and DevOps teams with one platform to operationalize machine learning and rapidly deploy operational ML pipelines. The platform includes an online and offline feature store, fully integrated with automated model monitoring and drift detection, model serving and dynamic scaling capabilities, all packaged in an open and managed platform.