Developer Relations is not simply a role or department at API-first companies. Developer relations is a mindset of getting developers adopt a platform and making them successful with their initiatives rather than attempting to sell to those developers. This makes developer relations different from traditional sales and marketing roles.
The Shoemaker (often) goes barefoot. It is often the case, that while one is working hard on helping their customers get better, they neglect their own processes, taking the same shortcuts they warn their clients against. It was like that at Keboola a few years back, until we agreed that this is no longer acceptable, and created a job role (mine) to apply our teachings internally as well.
You can evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign as a whole. But in order to optimize it on an ongoing basis and get the most out of its budget, you need detailed data on the effectiveness of individual channels, creations, and locations. This is what UTM tags (or UTM codes) are for – parameters added to the landing page URL that don’t affect its display but allow the analytical package (e.g. Google Analytics) to record additional information about traffic sources.
Introduction Creating complex performance testing scenarios in JMeter can be a complicated but necessary problem you will encounter as you build tests to mirror real user behaviour in your testing. There are many add-ins that can support you in the creation of these scenarios. Which is good if they do what you want them to do.
Throughout the years, there has been many attempts to devise a universal format for defining Web API specifications. The objective was (and still is) to help stakeholders of the system to work with those APIs, without having access to the source code. Each new "universal" format came with the promise of being ubiquitous and all-encompassing, but eventually faded away due to various reasons, like OData and WSDL.
With increasing popularity among API Gateways, which provides authentication, rate-limiting and access control between applications that expose their APIs and the consumer of the APIs are the bedrock of API infrastructure. Simple architecture which bundles API related functionality inside a single component provides load balancing, caching and ability to scale to ensure high availability.
The introduction of AI into products and services – across all sectors – is creating new capabilities at a scale that software developers could never have dreamed of just a decade ago. But this development is not just about the tech.