Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

June 2024

Effective Swift Error Handling Techniques for iOS Developers

As programmers we know that, despite our best efforts, we’ll never be able to completely eliminate errors from our apps. The sheer complexity of modern apps, not least the reliance on dynamic (often third-party) inputs, means errors are inevitable and error handling (exception handling) is crucial to user experience.

Open, Interoperable Storage with Iceberg Tables, Now Generally Available

Thousands of customers have worked with Snowflake to cost-effectively build a secure data foundation as they look to solve a growing variety of business problems with more data. Increasingly customers are looking to expand that powerful foundation to a broader set of data across their enterprise.

Demystifying Explicitly built modules for Xcode

One of the new features of Xcode 16 is called "explicitly built modules". Behind this abstract name is something that makes builds faster and compiler errors more informative. As this is enabled by default for C and Objective-C code, you can experience some of the benefits instantly, but it can also be enabled for Swift code as an experimental feature. In this post, we'll explore how this feature works and the benefits it brings to projects that adopt it.

The 10 Best API Integration Tools, Platforms, and Software (easy to use)

Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of rules or protocols that allows one software application to interact with another. An API integration tool is a software that facilitates the ‘talk’ or communication and data sharing between different software systems and applications. While manual API integration is possible, utilizing API integration tools enhances the efficiency and reliability of this process.

What Is API Security? 7 API Security Practices

Application Programming Interface (API) security is the practice of protecting APIs from attacks. Like databases, servers, and networks, APIs are susceptible to attacks from hackers looking to gain access to sensitive data. Since APIs are more commonly used — to the extent that they’ve become a fundamental part of modern applications — they’ve become a popular target for hackers.

Bringing Kubernetes-native Sidecars to Kong Mesh

If you're keeping an eye on the service mesh ecosystem, you may have heard a lot of debate about sidecars. Up until recently, there have been some real pain points with sidecars in Kubernetes. As surprising as it sounds, there was actually no real concept of a sidecar at all. With Kubernetes v1.29, a number of those points have been solved with the release of the native sidecars feature. Kong Mesh's most recent release v2.7 adds support for this game-changing feature.

The Future of Telecoms: Embracing Gen AI as a Strategic Competitive Advantage

The telecom industry is undergoing an unprecedented transformation. Fueled by tech advancements such as 5G, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning (ML), telecoms have the opportunity to reshape and streamline operations and make significant improvements in service delivery, customer experience and network optimization.

Modern Data Engineering: Free Spark to Snowpark Migration Accelerator for Faster, Cheaper Pipelines in Snowflake

In the age of AI, enterprises are increasingly looking to extract value from their data at scale but often find it difficult to establish a scalable data engineering foundation that can process the large amounts of data required to build or improve models. Designed for processing large data sets, Spark has been a popular solution, yet it is one that can be challenging to manage, especially for users who are new to big data processing or distributed systems.

AI Orchestration: Setting the Stage for Enterprise Modernization

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into business operations is no longer optional—it’s necessary. Yet, too often, businesses fail to reap the full rewards. AI can’t produce the results that impress stakeholders and drive tangible results unless you take a strategic approach to its deployment.