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Enterprise data and analytics in the cloud with Microsoft Azure and Talend

The emergence of the cloud as a cost-effective solution to delivering compute power has caused a paradigm shift in how we approach designing, building, and delivering analytics to business users. Although forklifting an existing analytics environment into the cloud is possible, there’s substantial benefit for those that are willing to review and adjust their systems to capitalize on the strengths of the cloud.

A Guide to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for Machine Learning

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the most commonly used unsupervised machine learning algorithms across a variety of applications: exploratory data analysis, dimensionality reduction, information compression, data de-noising, and plenty more. In this blog, we will go step-by-step and cover: Before we delve into its inner workings, let’s first get a better understanding of PCA. Imagine we have a 2-dimensional dataset.

How to Do Data Labeling, Versioning, and Management for ML

It has been months ago when Toloka and ClearML met together to create this joint project. Our goal was to showcase to other ML practitioners how to first gather data and then version and manage data before it is fed to an ML model. We believe that following those best practices will help others build better and more robust AI solutions. If you are curious, have a look at the project we have created together.

Test Environment: What it is And Why It Matters in Software Testing

In the simplest terms, a test environment is an interface (often a virtual environment) when software tests are executed. This includes the server required to power test infrastructure and hardware and software configurations to match specific projects and use cases; devices, browsers, operating systems, automation frameworks, network configuration, data, streaming implementation for testing over the cloud, etc.

iOS App Testing Tutorial: Manual & Automation

In the 2018 WWDC talk, Tim Cook said, “We’re also happy to announce that this week we’re going to achieve another huge milestone. The money that developers have earned through the App Store will top $100 billion.” He further announced, “There are now 20 million registered developers on the App Store.” Although, this number might be way out of the ballpark considering that 2016 statistics showed just 2.8 million iOS application developers.

Kong Expands AWS Offerings with Marketplace Listing and EKS Anywhere

Kong has been hard at work to provide our customers’ the best user experience of running our products in the AWS cloud. We’ve seen tremendous growth in our partnership with AWS in terms of joint solutions (co-build), building awareness through events and workshops (co-market), and growth in the adoption of our solutions (co-sell). In fact, Kong has seen exponential growth in our Kong on AWS business year over year.

Distributed tracing with Envoy, Kuma, Grafana Agent, and Jaeger

As a cloud service provider, observability is a critical subject as it's strongly related to the availability of the services running on the platform. We need to understand everything that is happening on our platform to troubleshoot errors as fast as possible and improve performance issues. A year ago, while the platform was still in private beta, we faced a tough reliability issue: users were facing random 500 errors when accessing their applications.

Creating a Progressive Web App (PWA) with Flutter

So, you just finished building that application that’s going to change the world, you’ve submitted the Android apk to the Google Play Store and the iOS ipa to the Apple App Store, and you’re awaiting review. But when you check your email, you discover that your iOS app has been rejected. Given the urgency of releasing the app, what do you do now? Well, the good news is that your application was built with Flutter, which is a great tool for creating Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

What is Open Source and How to Get Started?

Software engineering is an exciting field that offers various roles and responsibilities to individuals. Some prominent roles are developer, quality assurance engineer, project manager, product manager, DevOps, and many more. Each of these roles also has sub-roles. For example, we have front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers in development. In testing, we have manual testing, automation, unit testing, and end-to-end testing.