
The Ethics of Data Exchange

COVID-19 vaccines were developed in record time. One of the main reasons for the accelerated development was the quick exchange of data between academia, healthcare institutions, government agencies, and nonprofit entities. “COVID research is a great example of where sharing data and having large quantities of data to analyze would be beneficial to us all,” said Renee Dvir, solutions engineering manager at Cloudera.

How to Handle HIPAA Concerns With Cloud Data Warehouses

How to use a cloud data warehouse to achieve HIPPA compliance, reduce risk and offload some of the operational burden. How do you balance an accessible data warehouse with data protection and HIPAA Compliance? To get the most value from your data, it should be available to everyone in your organization who can benefit from the data analysis, insights and value it holds.

10 Predictions for the Future of Data Governance

According to TechTarget , data governance is managing the integrity, security, availability, and usability of data in an organization's system. Effective and efficient data governance makes sure data is accurate and consistent. There are several predictions regarding data governance you need to know.

How ThoughtSpot's product management team uses ThoughtSpot to drive user growth

Enabling customers and users to quickly find the value within a product is critical for many organizations and at the heart of being a product manager. The approach to driving user growth involves a growth mindset, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, and driving impactful solutions.

Kindred: Transforming raw data into powerful insights

Kindred Group is a publicly-traded gambling operator with offices across four continents, offering entertainment options such as online poker, sports betting, and online casinos. Since its founding, Kindred has experienced fast growth acquiring nine different gambling brands over the last 20 years. With over 30 million customers globally and numerous brands to manage, the Kindred team had a pressing need for a good data management system.

Transforming the Gaming Industry with AI Analytics

In 2020, the gaming market generated over 177 billion dollars, marking an astounding 23% growth from 2019. While it may be incredible how much revenue the industry develops, what’s more impressive is the massive amount of data generated by today’s games. There are more than 2 billion gamers globally, generating over 50 terabytes of data each day.

What is Data Portability and Why is It Important?

Businesses are now storing more personal data on their customers than ever before—from names, addresses, and credit card numbers to such as IP addresses and browsing habits. Understandably, many consumers are speaking up and pushing back on how these businesses use their data—including an insistence on the “right to data portability.” Data portability is an essential issue for companies that must comply with regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA.

How Keboola benefits from using Keboola Connection - The story of the Lead

Greetings, my dear readers. It’s been some time since I’ve posted my last article. This is the third chapter of the introduction to the internal data world of Keboola. In the previous chapters, I’ve posted about an introduction to our internal reporting and communication with our users. Since the last time, a couple things have happened.