
The top 10 books every data and analytics leader must read

In the final episode of season two of The Data Chief podcast, we talk with authors of four must-read books for data and analytics leaders — two new and two time-tested. As you invest in your continuous learning, here is the full round up of the latest top books I recommend for today’s data and analytics leaders.

What is data ingestion?

We rely on advanced data platforms that extract data from multiple sources, clean it, and save it so data scientists and analysts can gain insights from data. Data seems to flow seamlessly from one location to another, supporting our data-driven decision-making. The entire system runs smoothly because the engineering operations under the hood are correctly set and maintained.

Speed the Path to Vastly More Data Insights With Pentaho 9.2 and DataOps

In our modern world, accelerating the process of extracting insights from data is a complex challenge. Exacerbating this task are colossal data volumes, the expansion and use of multiple cloud platforms, and the increasing demands for self-service in a way that maintains compliance. Enterprises attempting to tackle the problem encounter various forms of friction everywhere they turn.

How To Transfer Flat Files Using SFTP With Xplenty

What is SFTP and What Does It Stand For? SFTP is a network protocol for securely transferring, accessing, and managing files on a remote computer. The SFTP protocol is intended as a more secure alternative to the traditional FTP protocol. The term SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol, where SSH is a cryptographic protocol that allows clients and servers to connect remotely. The files that you send or receive using SFTP are protected by SSH encryption in transit. This added layer of security means that SFTP is preferable to FTP in the vast majority of cases.

The Journey to Processing PII in the Data Cloud

During the process of turning data into insights, the most compelling data often comes with an added responsibility—the need to protect the people whose lives are caught up in that data. Plenty of data sets include sensitive information, and it’s the duty of every organization, down to each individual, to ensure that sensitive information is handled appropriately.

Troubleshooting Cloud Services and Infrastructure with Log Analytics

Troubleshooting cloud services and infrastructure is an ongoing challenge for organizations of all sizes. As organizations adopt more cloud services and their cloud environments grow more complex, they naturally produce more telemetry data – including application, system and security logs that document all types of events. All cloud services and infrastructure components generate their own, distinct logs.

Monitoring in BigQuery

Want to ensure that your BigQuery environment stays cost effective and secure? In this episode of BigQuery Spotlight, we’ll examine how monitoring your data warehouse can optimize costs, help you pinpoint which queries need to be optimized, and audit both data-sharing and access. Watch to learn how BigQuery gives you the flexibility to export any of these data sources back into your data warehouse for custom reporting.

The Ethics of Data Exchange

COVID-19 vaccines were developed in record time. One of the main reasons for the accelerated development was the quick exchange of data between academia, healthcare institutions, government agencies, and nonprofit entities. “COVID research is a great example of where sharing data and having large quantities of data to analyze would be beneficial to us all,” said Renee Dvir, solutions engineering manager at Cloudera.