Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2023

Tricentis Mobile: An all-in-one solution for high-quality, high-performing mobile apps

A staggering 85% of the global population owns a smartphone, and 73% of total e-commerce revenue is generated from mobile devices. Ridesharing, food delivery, social media, online bookings, banking transactions, virtual meetings — we’re practically living on our smartphones. The mobile revolution has also affected field service management in the oil and gas, logistics, and transportation industries, where mobile apps are used for real-time tracking and monitoring.

Configure and Manage Data Pipelines Replication in Snowflake with Ease

We are excited to announce the availability of data pipelines replication, which is now in public preview. In the event of an outage, this powerful new capability lets you easily replicate and failover your entire data ingestion and transformations pipelines in Snowflake with minimal downtime.

What's New in Kong Ingress Controller 2.12?

API Summit 2023 has just concluded, with awesome announcements including the launch of Kong Mesh in Konnect, and Dedicated Cloud Gateways. In addition to launching new capabilities, we also ensured that our existing products continue to grow and deliver value. With that in mind, I’m pleased to announce the immediate availability of Kong Ingress Controller 2.12.

Proxy-Wasm: It's WebAssembly for Proxies

Picture this: You're building the next generation of microservices architecture in your organization. The orchestration is in place, containers are humming, and you've chosen Kong Gateway (naturally) to manage the APIs, ensuring smooth communication. But then, you hit a snag. You need a custom filter not part of the standard library of plugins, or you envision a unique way to manipulate, observe, or control the traffic.

Data Activation Platform Overview: Census vs.

As companies globally grapple with evolving data integration needs, choosing the right data activation platform can be the difference between drowning in information and harnessing it powerfully. We’ll compare how two providers, Census and offer transformative capabilities in distinct ways.

How to Connect to a MySQL Database with JavaScript in a Few Steps

The DreamFactory REST API enables database connections using a wide variety of front end scenarios. This simple sample app demonstrates how DreamFactory easily can be used to connect to a MySQL database with JavaScript. It’s a simple address book, where contacts can be created, shown, updated, deleted and grouped: basically, CRUD operations. The Address Book is a very simple one page app based on plain JavaScript and jQuery.

10 mobile testing types and approaches

Users download over 250 billion apps on 5 million Android and iOS devices – yet over half of all downloaded apps are uninstalled within 30 days. The slightest flaw could prompt an uninstall as the user looks for a more user-friendly alternative. This highly competitive supply and demand means you must ensure through mobile testing that your mobile app’s quality, usability, and security meet expectations and exceed them.

A Deep Dive into Data & Variables in Software Testing | Rahul Verma | TestFlix 2023 |

In this thought-provoking video, Rahul Verma explores the concept of "Icchadari Data: The Revolt Mnemonic." Rahul challenges the traditional view of variables and values, especially in the context of test design and sampling. He introduces the idea of a "Wanderer" – data that undergoes transformations and meanders through a system, often defying conventional definitions.